Corrosion behavior of GeO2 and Sc2O3 Coatings on AZ31 Alloy
L. Sutha1,2 and A. Cyril2*
1Department of Industrial Chemistry, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India.
2Department of Chemistry, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Sivaganga, Tamil nadu, India
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Article Received on : 18-mar-2021
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Article Published : 21 Apr 2021
In this work, GeO2 (germanium dioxide) and Sc2O3 (scandium trioxide) were developed as coatings on AZ31 alloy using polymer binder. The coatings were characterized using X-ray crystallography procedure (XRD), infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid procedure (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy procedure, surface examination by FESEM. The corrosion studies were analyzed using a three electrode system in 3.5% NaCl electrolyte. The bare AZ31 alloy showed open circuit potential (Ecorr) of -1.7 V (SCE) and the corrosion current density (icorr) of 3.4 x 10-4 mA/cm2, while the Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorr of -1.4 V (SCE) and the icorr of 5.4 x 10-9 mA/cm2 and while the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorr of -1.3 V (SCE) and the icorr of 2.59 x 10-9 mA/cm2. The results reveal that the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy demonstrated higher corrosion resistance than of bare AZ31 alloy and Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy.
KEYWORDS:AZ31; Corrosion; GeO2; Mg alloys; Sc2O3
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Magnesium alloys find many applications in space and aerospace applications due to high strength and low density. Even though, they suffer more corrosion due to the more negative electromotive force in the series 1-4. Many attempts executed and reported to reduce the corrosion susceptibility of Mg alloys in aqueous medium applications 5-12. Surface coatings demonstrated enhanced performance for magnesium alloys 13-15. Recently, Wu et al fabricated diamond like DLC/AlN/Al coating on AZ31 using sputtering method and demonstrated a noble shift in the corrosion potential of AZ31 alloy in 3.5% NaCl solutions 13. Graphene based coatings were developed by Han et al by anodically oxidized and more noble shift around -1.15 V (SCE) in in 3.5 % NaCl electrolyte 14. WC coatings also developed by plasma electrolytic oxidation on AZ31 alloy and the author’s demonstrated positive shift in corrosion potential 15. However, there is much scope to improve the resistance against corrosion of Mg alloys for surface coatings by tuning the porosity and with suitable binders.
In this work, GeO2 (germanium dioxide) and Sc2O3 (scandium trioxide) were developed as coatings on AZ31 alloy using polymer binder. The bare AZ31 alloy showed open circuit potential (Ecorr) of -1.7 V (SCE) and the corrosion current density (icorr) of 3.4 x 10-4 mA/cm2, while the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorr of -1.4 V (SCE) and the icorr of 5.4 x 10-9 mA/cm2 and while the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorr of -1.3 V (SCE) and the icorr of 2.59 x 10-9 mA/cm2. The results reveal that the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy demonstrated higher corrosion resistance than of bare AZ31 alloy and Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy. The novelty of this work is on the fabrication of in-organic materials like oxides coatings formulation on the AZ31 alloy using organic binder, which showed effective role on the corrosion resistance enhancement of AZ31 alloy. The implications of this work may pave new pathways for Mg alloys corrosion resistance improvement.
Materials and Methods
Germanium (IV) oxide (GeO2, 99.99%, CAS No: 1310-53-8) and Scandium(III) oxide (Sc2O3, 99.995%, CAS No: 12060-08-1), Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG3, Bioultra 8000, CAS No: 25322-68-3), were purchased from Merck.
Sample preparation
The AZ31 alloy sheet was procured and cut into 11 x 11 x 5 mm dimension using wire EDM. Further, the samples were undergone metallurgical polishing before the application of coating on AZ31 alloy. Metallurgical polishing was employed using 200 to 1200 SiC grit polishing papers and finally treatment with 0.5 microns diamond paste cloth polishing. The samples were then washed to remove the polishing impurities and dried at room temperature.
Electrode Preparation
The oxide powders of GeO2 and Sc2O3 were taken in 3 mg weight (respectively for each electrode) and added with 10 ml PEG-ethanol binder solution at 50 ºC and stirred for 4 h until homogeneous mixture formed. Then the mixed slurry was drop casted on AZ31 alloy and dried for 24 h.
Electrochemical experiments
Corrosion behavior of uncoated AZ31, Sc2O3 and GeO2 coatings over AZ31 alloy was studied in 3.5% NaCl medium with an assembly consisting of three electrode system, where Pt as counter electrode, AZ31 alloy samples with and without coatings were as working electrodes and SCE as reference electrode.
Results and Discussion
XRD analysis
The phase purity and crystallinity of uncoated AZ31, Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy was characterized by XRD analysis and presented in Figures1-3.
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Figure 1: X-ray diffraction pattern of AZ31 alloy |
The pure AZ31 alloy X-ray diffraction peaks matched with the standard JCPDS file no 35-0821, demonstrating hexagonal crystal structure belonging P63/mmc for Mg alloy (a=b=3.2094 Å and c=5.211Å). This result is also well matched with reported literature 16-19.
The Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy XRD pattern is shown below. The scandium oxide peaks well matched with standard JCPDS file no: 42-1463, showing the cubic crystal structure (a=b=c=9.845 Å) that belongs to la3 space group. The peaks at 18.08, 31.4, 36.4, 52.5 and 59.2º corresponds to (211), (222), (400), (440) and (611) planes of cubic Sc2O3. The base AZ31 alloy peaks demonstrated very low intensity peaks in figure, due to the thick coating of Sc2O3. This result is also well matched with reported literature 20-22.
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Figure 2: XRD pattern for Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy |
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Figure 3: XRD pattern for GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy |
The GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy XRD pattern is depicted in Figure 3. Germanium oxide peaks well matched with standard JCPDS file no: 04-0497, showing the hexagonal crystal structure (a=b=4.987 Å, c=5.65Å) that belongs to P31 space group. The peaks at 20.5º, 25.96º, 38.0º, 41.8º and 66.0º corresponds to (100), (101), (102), (201), (103), (212), (302) and (310) planes of hexagonal GeO2 [23-26]. The base AZ31 alloy peaks demonstrated very low intensity peaks in figure, due to the thick GeO2.
FESEM analysis
The surface morphology of Sc2O3 and GeO2 are presented in Figure 4 and 5, respectively. Both the scandium oxide and germanium oxide powders show their individual particles with irregular shapes or morphology.
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Figure 4: Surface morphology of Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy |
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Figure 5: Surface morphology of GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy |
FTIR analysis
The functional groups of Sc2O3 and GeO2 were analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and presented in Figure 6 and 7, respectively.
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Figure 6: FTIR spectrum of Sc2O3 compound. |
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Figure 7: FTIR spectrum of GeO2 compound. |
Figure 6 shows the FTIR spectrum for Sc2O3 compound, where it is noticed that the peaks at 427, 636, 1533, 3043 and 3670 cm-1. The bands at 427 and 636 cm-1 strongly shows the typical characteristic peaks for Sc-O bands in cubic Sc2O3. The peaks at 1533cm-1 might be attributed to the presence of C=O stretching, while the 3040 cm-1 shows the presence of olefinic compounds. The band at 3670cm-1 shows the hydroxyl stretching 27, 28.
Similarly, Figure 7 shows the FTIR spectrum of GeO2 compound, where it is noticed that the peaks at 498, 560, 878, 3021 and 3670 cm-1. The peaks at 498, 560cm-1 corresponds to the V4 vibration mode in GeO4 tetrahedra [29, 30]. A strong absorption peak at 878 cm-1 demonstrates the V3 vibration mode, which is the distorted tetrahedral structure of GeO2. The band at 3021 and 3670 cm-1 are attributed to olefinic and hydroxyl stretching.
Raman analysis
The Raman spectrum of Sc2O3 compound is presented in Figure 8. The Raman modes observed at 194, 320, 538, 420, 495, and 525 cm-1. The major vibration band at 420cm-1 can be assigned to totally symmetricAg and Fg-type modes of octahedra of ScO631-33.
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Figure 8: Raman spectrum of Sc2O3 |
The spectrum of GeO2 is presented in Figure 9. The Raman modes observed at 122, 165, 211, 262, 328, 443, 515, 591, 881 and 971 cm-1. The strong peak 443 cm-1 demonstrates the hexagonal GeO2 and weak peak at 328 cm-1 shows the Ge 34, 35.
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Figure 9: Raman spectrum of GeO2 |
Electrochemical analysis
Corrosion behavior of uncoated AZ31, Sc2O3 and GeO2 coatings over AZ31 alloy was studied in 3.5% NaCl medium with an assembly consisting of three electrode system, where Pt as counter electrode, AZ31 alloy samples with and without coatings were as working electrodes and SCE as reference electrode.
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Figure 10: Open circuit potentials of uncoated AZ31, Sc2O3 coated and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy |
From the figure it is noticed that the corrosion potential or equilibrium potentials of the coated samples, showed an positive shift in the potential or noble shift, which is beneficial for the stability of the alloy. The bare alloy showed -1.7 V (SCE) corrosion potential, while the Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy showed -1.4 V (SCE) and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy showed -1.3 V (SCE). The GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy demonstrated more noble shift.
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Figure 11: Linear polarization studies of uncoated AZ31 and Sc2O3 coated and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy |
The linear polarization studies of uncoated AZ31 and Sc2O3 coated and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloys are shown in Figure 11. From the figure, it is noticed that bare AZ31 demonstrated higher corrosion susceptibility than coated samples. The corrosion rate details are as follows, the bare alloys exhibited the icorr of 3.4 x 10-4 mA/cm2, Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited icorr of 5.4 x 10-9 mA/cm2 and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited icorr of 2.59 x 10-9 mA/cm2. The results shows that GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy demonstrated better performance. The electrochemical impedancecurves of bare AZ31 and Sc2O3 coated and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloys in NaCl (3.5 %)electrolyte is shown Figure 12. The EIS studies were studied in the frequency range of 1MHz to 100 mHz at open circuit potential.
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Figure 12: EIS curves of AZ31 and Sc2O3 and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloys |
Table 1: Electrochemical polarization data of AZ31 and Sc2O3 and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloys.
SNo |
Electrode |
Ecorr (V vs SCE) |
Icorr (mA/cm2) |
01 |
Bare AZ31 alloy |
-1.7 |
3.4 x 10-4 |
02 |
Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy |
-1.4 |
5.4 x 10-9 |
03 |
GeO2 coated AZ31 alloys |
-1.3 |
2.59 x 10-9 |
The EIS studies shows that bare AZ31 alloy showed very less corrosion resistance, while the Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy showed intermediate performance and GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy showed superior corrosion resistance.
White et al fabricated TiO2 coating over AZ31 alloy using plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), where the coating demonstrated enhanced corrosion protection to Mg alloy 36. The coating showed the noble shift in corrosion potential up to -1.4 V (SCE) in 3.5 % NaCl electrolyte. Similarly, Chen et al developed MgO, MgAl2O4 and MgSiO3 composed coating through micro arc oxidation process and demonstrated that the ceramic coated sample showed corrosion potential of ~1.5 V in 3.5% NaCl medium 37. Tan et al developed Ca-P coatings on AZ31 Mg alloy via chemical deposition and noticed that Ca-P coating dramatically decreased the corrosion rates and improved corrosion resistance. The authors demonstrated the corrosion potential up to -1.5 V (SCE) in 3.5% NaCl medium 38. In this work, the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy showed the corrosion potential of ~ -1.3 V (SCE) and corrosion current density of 2.59 x 10-9mA/cm2 in 3.5% NaCl medium. This work demonstrated enhanced corrosion protection for AZ31 alloy with proposed coatings in comparison with literature and paves new pathway for the corrosion protection improvement of magnesium alloys.
The GeO2 (germanium dioxide) and Sc2O3 (scandium trioxide) were developed as coatings on AZ31 alloy using polymer binder.
The corrosion studies were analyzed using a three electrode system in 3.5% NaCl electrolyte. The bare AZ31 alloy showed open circuit potential (Ecorr) of -1.7 V (SCE) and icorrof 3.4 x 10-4 mA/cm2,
while the Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorrof -1.4 V (SCE) and icorr of 5.4 x 10-9 mA/cm2 and while the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy exhibited Ecorr of -1.3 V (SCE) and icorr of 2.59 x 10-9 mA/cm2. The results reveal that the GeO2 coated AZ31 alloy demonstrated higher corrosion resistance than of bare and Sc2O3 coated AZ31 alloy.
The authors would like to thank Department of Industrial Chemistry, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India and the Post graduate & Research Department of Chemistry, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Sivaganga, for providing the academic support and research support.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the current work has not conflict interest.
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