Structural and Theoretical Investigation of N’-[(E)-(4 Bromophenyl)(Phenyl)Methylidene]-4-Methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide Crystal Prepared by Slow Evaporation Method
V. Mohan1,2, P. Maadeswaran3, B. Babu4 and J. Chandrasekaran4
1Research and Development Center, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Physics, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode-637215, Tamil Nadu, India.
3Department of Energy Studies, Periyar University, Salem-636011, Tamil Nadu, India.
4Department of Physics, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore - 641 020, Tamil Nadu, India.
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The N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules were synthesized by condensation method. The synthesized N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide crystal geometric parameters were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal structure and optimized geometry parameter of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules were obtained by the B3LYP STO-3gG level of basis set. The Mulliken charges, Highest Occupied Molecular Orbits (HOMO) and Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbits (LUMO) analyses have been done in order to calculate the energy gap, Ionization potential, Electron affinity; Global hardness, Chemical potential, global electrophilicity and Molecular electrostatic potential properties for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazid molecules were found out. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies show that the charge transfer occurs in the N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazid molecules for B3LYP STO-3gG basis set.
KEYWORDS:Crystal structure; X-ray diffraction; HOMO LUMO
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Copy the following to cite this article: Mohan V, Maadeswaran P, Babu B, Chandrasekaran J. Structural and Theoretical Investigation of N’-[(E)-(4 Bromophenyl)(Phenyl)Methylidene]-4-Methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide Crystal Prepared by Slow Evaporation Method. Orient J Chem 2017;33(3). |
Copy the following to cite this URL: Mohan V, Maadeswaran P, Babu B, Chandrasekaran J. Structural and Theoretical Investigation of N’-[(E)-(4 Bromophenyl)(Phenyl)Methylidene]-4-Methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide Crystal Prepared by Slow Evaporation Method. Orient J Chem 2017;33(3). Available from: |
Benzophenone can be used as a photo initiator in UV-curing applications [1] such as inks, imaging, and clear coatings in the printing industry. Benzophenone prevents ultraviolet (UV) light from damaging scents and colors in products such as perfumes and soaps. This can also be added to plastic packaging as a UV blocker to prevent photo-degradation of the packaging polymers or its contents. Its use allows manufacturers to package the product in clear glass or plastic (such as a PETE water bottle). Without it, opaque or dark packaging would be required. Its derivatives have been investigated extensively for their biological activities such as anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory [2-7].
In present study, Molecular geometry, Optimized parameters, Atomic charges, Mulliken charges, HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) and LUMO (Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) energies, Frontier orbital energy gap, Molecular electrostatic potential, properties are experimental and computed the performance of the computational methods for ab initio B3LYP STO-3gG basis set are compared.
The 4-Bromoobenzophenone (1 mmol) and tosyl hydrazide (1mmol) were dissolved in ethanol (50 ml). The reaction mixture was heated under reflux for 3 hr and cooled gradually to room temperature [8]. The reaction mechanism is shown in Fig. 1. Crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis were obtained by slow room temperature evaporation of the solution containing the compound. The as grown crystals of N-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide is depicted in Fig. 2.
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Figure 1: N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules synthesis reaction. |
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Figure 2: As grown crystals of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl) (phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide. |
Computational Details
The quantum chemical calculation of N-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide has been performed using the B3LYP STO-3gG level of basis set, using the Gaussian 09 Program. The optimized geometries corresponding to the minimum on the potential energy surface have been obtained by solving self-consistent field equation iteratively. The B3LYP STO-3gG level of basis set was used for HOMO-LUMO analysis, Electrostatic potential (MESP) properties were calculated by Gaussian 09 Program [9].
Characterization Techniques
Characterization: Single crystal X-ray intensity data of sucrose was collected at room temperature (T = 296 K) on a Bruker X8 KAPPA APEX-II CCD diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromated Mo Kα radiation. Initial unit cell parameters were obtained from SMART V5.05 software for CCD detector system; Bruker Analytical X-ray Systems, Madison, WI, 1998. Data integration, correction for Lorentz polarization effects and final cell refinement were performed by SAINTPLUS, V5.00 Software for the CCD detector system; Bruker Analytical X-Ray System, Inc.: Madison, WI, 1998. An empirical absorption correction based on the multiple measurements of equivalent reflections was applied using SADABS, Program for absorption correction using SMART CCD based on the method of Blessing. Structure was obtained by a combination of the direct methods and difference Fourier syntheses and refined by full-matrix least-squares on F2 using the SHELXTL.
Results and Discussion
Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
N-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide optimized geometric crystal structure is shown in the Fig. 3, belongs to the noncentrosymmetric monoclinic space group P21/c and the cell dimensions are a= 8.4480Å, b= 19.7198 Å, c= 12.9679 Å; α=γ =90˚ and β=120.046; and V=1870.06 Å3. The packing diagram in N-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecule and crystal structure view along the (a) a-axis (b) b-axis, and (c) c-axis is presented in Fig. 4(a-c) and 5(a-c). The powder XRD pattern is shown in the Fig. 6.
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Figure 3: Geometric structures of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide |
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Figure 4: The molecule packing diagram in N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl) (phenyl)methylidene]-4 methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide crystal and structure view along the (a) a-axis (b) b-axis (c) c-axis. |
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Figure 5: The crystal packing diagram in N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide crystal and structure view along the (a) a-axis (b) b-axis (c) c-axis. |
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Figure 6: X-ray diffraction pattern of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl) (phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide crystal. |
In order to find the most optimized geometric parameters (bond length, bond angle and dihedral angles), the energy calculation are carried out for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide, using B3LYP STO-3gG basis set value is given in the Table (1-3). The hydrazones molecules are attracted considerable attention due to their biological activities and crystal structures of these compounds were reported [2-7]. Benzophenone and its derivatives have also been extensively investigated for their biological activities such as anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory. In present work, the title compound, C20H17BrN2O2S, was synthesized by Schiff base condensation reaction between 4-bromobenzophenone and tosyl hydrazine were used synthesized by N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. The optimized geometric structure of molecule (Fig. 3) the bromo substituted with benzene ring (Br1-C3) forms bond length 1.8986 Å and 1.8973 Å for experimental and B3LYP STO-3gG basis set values respectively. The bromobenzophenone linked bridge tosyl hydrazine group (N1-N2) bond length is 1.4014 Å and 1.4519 Å experimental and theoretical values. The bond length of benzene ring carbon and hydrogen bond of (C2-H2A), (C10-H10A), (C12-H12A), (C13-H13A) and (C20-H20C) values at 0.9499 Å, 0.9493 Å, 0.9509 Å, 0.9506 Å, 0.9497 Å & 0.9800 Å and 1.0977 Å, 1.0984 Å, 1.0984 Å, 1.0985 Å, 1.0985 Å & 1.1008 Å for experimental and theoretical values. Experimental values as compare to those theoretical values, more or less equal values are get. The N’-[(E)-(4- Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules hydro-carbon of benzene ring are (H1A-C1-C2), (H1A-C1-C6), (C8-C9-H9A), (H9A-C9-C10), (C8-C13-H13A), (C12-C13-H13A) (H16A-C16-C17) (H18A-C18-C19) (C14-C19-H19A) and (C18-C19-H19A) bond angle values at 119.50°, 119.52°, 119.94°, 119.87°, 119.82°, 119.86°, 119.24°, 119.73°, 120.16° & 120.10° and 119.3254°, 119.6576°, 119.3914°, 119.9437°, 119.3903°, 119.9368°, 119.6115°, 119.5452°, 120.7595° & 120.8558° for experimental and B3LYP STO-3gG basis set values respectively. The bromine substituted benzene ring (Br1-C3-C4) 119.81° and 120.2469° for both values. The bond angle of crystal, molecules are linked through nitrogen and carbon (N1-C7-C6) values at 115.65° and 115.4307 ° for experimental and theoretical values. The molecules, bond angle between two benzene rings (C5-C6-C7) (C6-C7-C8) (C7-C8-C13) and (C11-C12-C13) values at 120.38°, 119.60°, 120.67°& 119.80° and 119.8369°, 119.3776°, 120.3213° & 120.1798 ° for experimental and B3LYP STO-3gG basis set values respectively. The dihedral angle between three benzene ring of N’-[(E)-(4- Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules in (C8-C9-C10-H10A), (C9-C10- C11-H11A), (H12A-C12-C13-C8), (C15-C14-C19-H19A), (H16A-C16-C17-C18), (C16-C17-C18-H18A) and (H18A-C18-C19-C14) values at 178.71°, -178.91°, 178.53°, 177.79°, 176.92°, -177.25° & 179.84° and 179.6285°, -179.7863°, 179.644°, 179.2793°, 179.5913°, -179.6164° & 179.9329° for experimental and B3LYP STO-3gG basis set values respectively.
Table 1: Optimized geometrical parameters for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules bond length(Å).
S. No | Bond length | Experimental | B3LYP STO-3gG | |
1 |
Br1-C3 |
1.8986 |
1.8973 |
2 |
S1-O1 |
1.4335 |
1.627 |
3 |
S1-O2 |
1.4390 |
1.6281 |
4 |
S1-N2 |
1.6575 |
2.0742 |
5 |
S1-C14 |
1.7589 |
1.9287 |
6 |
N1-N2 |
1.4014 |
1.4519 |
7 |
N1-C7 |
1.2929 |
1.3502 |
8 |
N2-H1N2 |
0.8127 |
1.087 |
9 |
C1-H1A |
0.9499 |
1.0977 |
10 |
C1-C2 |
1.3908 |
1.4057 |
11 |
C1-C6 |
1.3984 |
1.4204 |
12 |
C2-H2A |
0.9493 |
1.0984 |
13 |
C2-C3 |
1.3869 |
1.4163 |
14 |
C3-C4 |
1.3877 |
1.4188 |
15 |
C4-H4A |
0.9500 |
1.0983 |
16 |
C4-C5 |
1.3877 |
1.4024 |
17 |
C5-H5A |
0.9505 |
1.0985 |
18 |
C5-C6 |
1.4009 |
1.4228 |
19 |
C6-C7 |
1.4844 |
1.5079 |
20 |
C7-C8 |
1.4899 |
1.5225 |
21 |
C8-C9 |
1.3974 |
1.4198 |
22 |
C8-C13 |
1.3909 |
1.4205 |
23 |
C9-H9A |
0.9498 |
1.0988 |
24 |
C9-C10 |
1.3925 |
1.4083 |
25 |
C10-H10A |
0.9509 |
1.0984 |
26 |
C10-C11 |
1.3843 |
1.4087 |
27 |
C11-H11A |
0.9502 |
1.0984 |
28 |
C11-C12 |
1.3864 |
1.4103 |
29 |
C12-H12A |
0.9506 |
1.0985 |
30 |
C12-C13 |
1.3933 |
1.4066 |
31 |
C13-H13A |
0.9497 |
1.0985 |
32 |
C14-C15 |
1.3900 |
1.4021 |
33 |
C14-C19 |
1.3887 |
1.4037 |
34 |
C15-H15A |
0.9502 |
1.1019 |
35 |
C15-C16 |
1.3970 |
1.4088 |
36 |
C16-H16A |
0.9503 |
1.0989 |
37 |
C16-C17 |
1.3963 |
1.417 |
38 |
C17-C18 |
1.3965 |
1.4175 |
39 |
C17-C20 |
1.5057 |
1.5387 |
40 |
C18-H18A |
0.9502 |
1.0989 |
41 |
C18-C19 |
1.3882 |
1.4097 |
42 |
C19-H19A |
0.9498 |
1.0999 |
43 |
C20-H20A |
0.9806 |
1.1005 |
44 |
C20-H20B |
0.9801 |
1.1042 |
45 |
C20-H20C |
0.9800 |
1.1008 |
Table 2: Optimized geometrical parameters for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules bond angle(˚)
S. No |
Bond angle | Experimental | B3LYP STO-3gG |
1 |
O1-S1-O2 |
119.55 |
122.0077 |
2 |
O1-S1-N2 |
107.91 |
105.7495 |
3 |
O1-S1-C14 |
107.62 |
111.4247 |
4 |
O2-S1-N2 |
104.08 |
111.3415 |
5 |
O2-S1-C14 |
111.01 |
107.7479 |
6 |
N2-S1-C14 |
105.77 |
95.3221 |
7 |
N2-N1-C7 |
117.06 |
116.4365 |
8 |
S1-N2-N1 |
111.23 |
104.0353 |
9 |
S1-N2-H1N2 |
111.79 |
102.2319 |
10 |
N1-N2-H1N2 |
117.59 |
107.2695 |
11 |
H1A-C1-C2 |
119.50 |
119.3254 |
12 |
H1A-C1-C6 |
119.52 |
119.6576 |
13 |
C2-C1-C6 |
120.98 |
121.0148 |
14 |
C1-C2-H2A |
120.72 |
119.9058 |
15 |
C1-C2-C3 |
118.52 |
120.2135 |
16 |
H2A-C2-C3 |
120.75 |
119.88 |
17 |
Br1-C3-C2 |
118.19 |
120.3839 |
18 |
Br1-C3-C4 |
119.81 |
120.2469 |
19 |
C2-C3-C4 |
122.00 |
119.3691 |
20 |
C3-C4-H4A |
120.60 |
119.8394 |
21 |
C3-C4-C5 |
118.81 |
120.0662 |
22 |
H4A-C4-C5 |
120.59 |
120.0943 |
23 |
C4-C5-H5A |
119.66 |
120.5689 |
24 |
C4-C5-C6 |
120.76 |
121.1995 |
25 |
H5A-C5-C6 |
119.58 |
118.231 |
26 |
C1-C6-C5 |
118.90 |
118.1346 |
27 |
C1-C6-C7 |
120.72 |
122.0165 |
28 |
C5-C6-C7 |
120.38 |
119.8369 |
29 |
N1-C7-C6 |
115.65 |
115.4307 |
30 |
N1-C7-C8 |
124.75 |
125.1912 |
31 |
C6-C7-C8 |
119.60 |
119.3776 |
32 |
C7-C8-C9 |
119.94 |
121.1273 |
33 |
C7-C8-C13 |
120.67 |
120.3213 |
34 |
C9-C8-C13 |
119.36 |
118.5471 |
35 |
C8-C9-H9A |
119.87 |
119.3914 |
36 |
C8-C9-C10 |
120.20 |
120.6594 |
37 |
H9A-C9-C10 |
119.94 |
119.9437 |
38 |
C9-C10-H10A |
120.05 |
119.7477 |
39 |
C9-C10-C11 |
119.86 |
120.1663 |
40 |
H10A-C10-C11 |
120.08 |
120.086 |
41 |
C10-C11-H11A |
119.77 |
120.1319 |
42 |
C10-C11-C12 |
120.42 |
119.7757 |
43 |
H11A-C11-C12 |
119.81 |
120.0925 |
44 |
C11-C12-H12A |
120.07 |
120.0209 |
45 |
C11-C12-C13 |
119.80 |
120.1798 |
46 |
H12A-C12-C13 |
120.13 |
119.7992 |
47 |
C8-C13-C12 |
120.32 |
120.6705 |
48 |
C8-C13-H13A |
119.82 |
119.3903 |
49 |
C12-C13-H13A |
119.86 |
119.9368 |
50 |
S1-C14-C15 |
120.78 |
116.8293 |
51 |
S1-C14-C19 |
117.89 |
120.9216 |
52 |
C15-C14-C19 |
120.99 |
122.2344 |
53 |
C14-C15-H15A |
120.72 |
119.2184 |
54 |
C14-C15-C16 |
118.49 |
118.8048 |
55 |
H15A-C15-C16 |
120.78 |
121.9758 |
56 |
C15-C16-H16A |
119.26 |
119.7779 |
57 |
C15-C16-C17 |
121.50 |
120.6102 |
58 |
H16A-C16-C17 |
119.24 |
119.6115 |
59 |
C16-C17-C18 |
118.49 |
119.0239 |
60 |
C16-C17-C20 |
121.27 |
120.5254 |
61 |
C18-C17-C20 |
120.22 |
120.444 |
62 |
C17-C18-H18A |
119.59 |
119.5142 |
63 |
C17-C18-C19 |
120.69 |
120.9404 |
64 |
H18A-C18-C19 |
119.73 |
119.5452 |
65 |
C14-C19-C18 |
119.74 |
118.3842 |
66 |
C14-C19-H19A |
120.16 |
120.7595 |
67 |
C18-C19-H19A |
120.10 |
120.8558 |
68 |
C17-C20-H20A |
109.50 |
110.7846 |
69 |
C17-C20-H20B |
109.52 |
110.3626 |
70 |
C17-C20-H20C |
109.42 |
110.8128 |
71 |
H20A-C20-H20B |
109.44 |
107.9849 |
72 |
H20A-C20-H20C |
109.42 |
108.8753 |
73 |
H20B-C20-H20C |
109.52 |
107.9249 |
Table 3: Optimized geometrical parameters for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules dihedral angle(˚).
S. No | Dihedral angle | Experimental | B3LYP STO-3gG |
1 |
O1-S1-N2-N1 |
-70.31 |
175.4735 |
2 |
O1-S1-N2-H1N2 |
156.02 |
63.924 |
3 |
O2-S1-N2-N1 |
161.70 |
40.9306 |
4 |
O2-S1-N2-H1N2 |
28.03 |
-70.6188 |
5 |
C14-S1- N2-N1 |
44.64 |
-70.4822 |
6 |
C14-S1- N2-H1N2 |
-89.03 |
177.9683 |
7 |
O1-S1-C14-C15 |
-167.92 |
-142.9805 |
8 |
O1-S1-C14-C19 |
18.69 |
35.6574 |
9 |
O2-S1-C14-C15 |
-35.36 |
-6.6428 |
10 |
O2-S1-C14-C19 |
151.25 |
171.9951 |
11 |
N2-S1-C14-C15 |
76.93 |
107.7873 |
12 |
N2-S1-C14-C19 |
-96.46 |
-73.5748 |
13 |
C7-N1-N2-S1 |
-164.95 |
-137.9619 |
14 |
C7-N1-N2-H1N2 |
-34.23 |
-30.1186 |
15 |
N2-N1-C7-C6 |
173.73 |
-177.3678 |
16 |
N2-N1-C7-C8 |
-6.85 |
2.3895 |
17 |
H1A-C1-C2-H2A |
0.38 |
0.4516 |
18 |
H1A-C1-C2-C3 |
-179.68 |
-179.2415 |
19 |
C6-C1-C2-H2A |
-179.62 |
179.912 |
20 |
C6-C1-C2-C3 |
0.31 |
0.2188 |
21 |
H1A-C1-C6-C5 |
-178.81 |
178.9231 |
22 |
H1A-C1-C6-C7 |
1.98 |
0.1842 |
23 |
C2-C1-C6-C5 |
1.20 |
-0.5355 |
24 |
C2-C1-C6-C7 |
-178.01 |
-179.2744 |
25 |
C1-C2-C3-Br1 |
179.67 |
-179.9516 |
26 |
C1-C2-C3-C4 |
-1.09 |
0.1947 |
27 |
H2A-C2-C3-Br1 |
-0.40 |
0.3552 |
28 |
H2A-C2-C3-C4 |
178.85 |
-179.4986 |
29 |
Br1-C3-C4-H4A |
-0.47 |
0.0194 |
30 |
Br1-C3-C4-C5 |
179.54 |
179.8679 |
31 |
C2-C3-C4-H4A |
-179.70 |
179.8733 |
32 |
C2-C3-C4-C5 |
0.31 |
-0.2781 |
33 |
C3-C4-C5-H5A |
-178.75 |
179.6607 |
34 |
C3-C4-C5-C6 |
1.26 |
-0.0499 |
35 |
H4-C4-C5-H5A |
1.26 |
-0.4911 |
36 |
H4A-C4-C5-C6 |
-178.73 |
179.7983 |
37 |
C4-C5-C6-C1 |
-2.00 |
0.4515 |
38 |
C4-C5-C6-C7 |
177.21 |
179.2188 |
39 |
H5A-C5-C6-C1 |
178.01 |
-179.2656 |
40 |
H5A-C5-C6-C7 |
-2.78 |
-0.4983 |
41 |
C1-C6-C7-N1 |
157.08 |
164.5239 |
42 |
C1-C6-C7-C8 |
-22.38 |
-15.2485 |
43 |
C5-C6-C7-N1 |
-22.12 |
-14.194 |
44 |
C5-C6-C7-C8 |
158.43 |
166.0336 |
45 |
N1-C7-C8-C9 |
-58.22 |
-51.7809 |
46 |
N1-C7-C8-C13 |
123.45 |
127.4563 |
47 |
C6-C7-C8-C9 |
121.18 |
127.9675 |
48 |
C6-C7-C8-C13 |
-57.15 |
-52.7952 |
49 |
C7-C8-C9-H9A |
1.75 |
-1.3717 |
50 |
C7-C8-C9-C10 |
-178.27 |
179.4752 |
51 |
C13-C8- C9-H9A |
-179.90 |
179.3778 |
52 |
C13-C8- C9-C10 |
0.09 |
0.2248 |
53 |
C7-C8-C13-C12 |
179.65- |
-179.1699 |
54 |
C7-C8-C13-H13A |
-0.39 |
0.2613 |
55 |
C9-C8-C13-C12 |
1.31 |
0.0868 |
56 |
C9-C8-C13-H13A |
-178.74 |
179.518 |
57 |
C8-C9-C10-H10A |
178.71 |
179.6285 |
58 |
C8-C9-C10-C11 |
-1.30 |
-0.37 |
59 |
H9A-C9-C10-H10A |
-1.31 |
0.4801 |
60 |
H9A-C9-C10-C11 |
178.69 |
-179.5184 |
61 |
C9-C10- C11-H11A |
-178.91 |
-179.7863 |
62 |
C9-C10- C11-C12 |
1.11 |
0.2003 |
63 |
H10A-C10-C11-H11A |
1.08 |
0.2151 |
64 |
H10A-C10-C11-C12 |
-178.89 |
-179.7982 |
65 |
C10-C11-C12-H12A |
-179.75 |
-179.788 |
66 |
C10-C11-C12-C13 |
0.28 |
0.1101 |
67 |
H11A-C11-C12-H12A |
0.27 |
0.1986 |
68 |
H11A-C11-C12-C13 |
-179.70 |
-179.9032 |
69 |
C11-C12-C13-C8 |
-1.50 |
-0.2544 |
70 |
C11-C12-C13-H13A |
178.55 |
-179.6824 |
71 |
H12A-C12-C13-C8 |
178.53 |
179.644 |
72 |
H12A-C12-C13-H13A |
-1.42 |
0.2159 |
73 |
S1-C14-C15-H15A |
8.72 |
-0.528 |
74 |
S1-C14-C15-C16 |
-171.29 |
179.1197 |
75 |
C19-C14-C15-H15A |
-178.10 |
-179.1466 |
76 |
C19-C14-C15-C16 |
1.89 |
0.5011 |
77 |
S1-C14-C19-C18 |
171.17 |
-179.033 |
78 |
S1-C14- C19-H19A |
-8.83 |
0.7163 |
79 |
C15-C14-C19-C18 |
-2.21 |
-0.47 |
80 |
C15-C14-C19-H19A |
177.79 |
179.2793 |
81 |
C14-C15-C16-H16A |
-179.22 |
-179.9372 |
82 |
C14-C15-C16-C17 |
0.80 |
-0.1649 |
83 |
H15A-C15-C16-H16A |
0.77 |
-0.2997 |
84 |
H15A-C15-C16-C17 |
-179.21 |
179.4726 |
85 |
C15-C16-C17-C18 |
-3.10 |
-0.1814 |
86 |
C15-C16-C17-C20 |
175.50 |
178.8862 |
87 |
H16A-C16-C17-C18 |
176.92 |
179.5913 |
88 |
H16A-C16-C17-C20 |
-4.48 |
-1.3411 |
89 |
C16-C17-C18-H18A |
-177.25 |
-179.6164 |
90 |
C16-C17-C18-C19 |
2.78 |
0.2121 |
91 |
C20-C17-C18-H18A |
4.14 |
1.3152 |
92 |
C20-C17-C18-C19 |
-175.84 |
-178.8563 |
93 |
C16-C17-C20-H20A |
18.20 |
27.7399 |
94 |
C16-C17-C20-H20B |
-101.81 |
-91.8077 |
95 |
C16-C17-C20-H20C |
138.13 |
148.7013 |
96 |
C18-C17-C20-H20A |
-163.22 |
-153.2058 |
97 |
C18-C17-C20-H20B |
76.77 |
87.2466 |
98 |
C18-C17-C20-H20C |
-43.29 |
-32.2444 |
99 |
C17-C18-C19-C14 |
-0.19 |
0.1045 |
100 |
C17-C18-C19-H19A |
179.81 |
-179.6445 |
101 |
H18A-C18-C19-C14 |
179.84 |
179.9329 |
102 |
H18A-C18-C19-H19A |
-0.16 |
0.1839 |
Mulliken Population Analysis
The atomic charges in molecules are fundamental to chemistry. For instance, atomic charge transfers in the chemical reaction [10, 11]. We have examined the Mulliken atomic charges in solution (Methanol) in Table 5. The Mulliken atomic charges calculated at the B3LYP STO-3gG. It is worthy to mention that C6, C7, and C17 atoms of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules exhibit positive charge, while C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, and C20 atoms exhibits negative charges, Oxygen O1 and O2 has a maximum negative charges -0.46224 and -0.47788 for this values B3LYP STO-3gG basis set. The maximum positive atomic charges (1.235288) are obtained for S1 which is sulfonate present in the functional group SO3–. The positive atomic charges are observed (0.027547) for bromine atoms. The magnitude of hydrogen atomic charges is hydrogen atomic charges are found to be only positive and negative charges obtain, this listed given in the Table 5 for this B3LYP STO-3gG basis sets for the N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. The atomic charges plotted B3LYP STO-3gG basis set has been shown in Fig. 7. The nitrogen atoms presence of negative charges are N1 (-0.15703) and N2 (-0.45769) atoms. The above result shows that the natural atomic charges are more sensitive to the charges in the molecular structure the Mullikan’s net charges.
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Figure 7: The charge distribution calculated by the Mulliken method for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesul fonohydrazide molecules.
Homo-Lumo Analysis
A deeper understand of chemical reactivity can be gained by this electronic absorption corresponds to the transition from the ground state to the first excited state and it is mainly described by one electron excitation from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) [12,13]. HOMO represents the ability to donate an electron and LUMO represent the ability to obtain an electron. The HOMO is delocalized over the Bromine substituted two benzene ring and bridge over the N-NH group. The LUMO is located on the Bromobenzophenone and tosylhydrazide group. Consequently, the HOMO-LUMO transition implies an electron density transfer from, the more aromatic part of the -conjucated system including the electron donor group to its more quinonid side and mainly to the electron with drawing end The frontier molecular orbital’s of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide is shown in Fig. 8. The energy value of HOMO is computed -0.11757 a.u. and LUMO is 0.01354 a.u. The energy gap is -0.10403 a.u. in for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules, respectively. Surface for the Frontier orbitals are drawn to understand the bonding scheme of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. We examine the two important molecular orbital’s (MO) for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules: highest occupied MOs and lowest unoccupied and MOs which we denote HOMO and LUMO respectively.
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Figure 8: The atomic orbital compositions of the frontier molecular orbital of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. |
The calculated Self Consistent Field (SCF) energy of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide is –3958.29016076 a.u. at B3LYP STO-3gG . The HOMO and LUMO energy gap explains the fact that eventual charge transfer interaction is taking place within the molecules.
Homo-Lumo Energy Gap and Related Molecular Properties
The HOMO, LUMO and HOMO-LUMO energy gap of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules in the B3LYP STO-3gG basis set has been calculated. The HOMO–LUMO energy gap reveals that the energy gap reflects the chemical activity of the molecule. Associated within the framework of SCF MO theory the ionization energy and electron affinity can be expressed through HOMO and LUMO orbital energies as I = -EHOMO and A= -ELUMO. The hardness corresponds to the gap between the HOMO and LUMO orbital energies. The larger the HOMO-LUMO energy gaps the harder the molecules [14]. The global hardness, η =1/2(ELUMO – EHOMO). The hardness has been associated with the stability of chemical system. The electron affinity can be used in combination with ionization energy to give electronic chemical potential, μ=1/2(EHOMO + ELUMO). The global electrophilicity index, ω = μ2/2η is also calculated and listed in Table 4.
Table 4: Comparison of HOMO, LUMO, energy gaps (e HOMO –LUMO), and related molecular properties of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules (a.u.).
Molecular properties |
-0.11757 |
0.01354 |
∆EHOMO-LUMO gap (a.u.) |
-0.10403 |
Ionisation Potential (I) |
0.11757 |
Electron affinity(A) |
-0.01354 |
Global Hardness (η ) |
-0.0646 |
Chemical potential (μ) |
-0.0520 |
Global Electrophilicity (ω) |
0.02089 |
Table 5: The charge distribution calculated by the Mulliken method for N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules.
Atoms | Charges |
Br1 | 0.02755 |
S1 | 1.23529 |
O1 | -0.4622 |
O2 | -0.4779 |
N1 | -0.157 |
N2 | -0.4577 |
H1N2 | 0.27162 |
C1 | -0.1048 |
H1A | 0.11081 |
C2 | -0.1131 |
H2A | 0.1125 |
C3 | -0.0456 |
C4 | -0.1141 |
H4A | 0.11145 |
C5 | -0.0986 |
H5A | 0.11771 |
C6 | 0.0106 |
C7 | 0.07091 |
C8 | -0.0065 |
C9 | -0.1066 |
H9A | 0.11488 |
C10 | -0.1013 |
H10A | 0.10916 |
C11 | -0.1027 |
H11A | 0.10733 |
C12 | -0.1021 |
H12A | 0.10731 |
C13 | -0.1108 |
H13A | 0.10722 |
C14 | -0.1343 |
C15 | -0.1123 |
H15A | 0.10977 |
C16 | -0.1076 |
H16A | 0.10639 |
C17 | 0.03995 |
C18 | -0.1083 |
H18A | 0.10838 |
C19 | -0.1024 |
H19A | 0.1234 |
C20 | -0.3411 |
H20A | 0.11906 |
H20B | 0.12395 |
H20C | 0.12185 |
Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP)
The 3D plots of molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecule is illustrated in Fig. 9. The MEP is a plot of electrostatic potential mapped onto the constant electron density surface. The MEP surface super-imposed on top of the total energy density. The MEP is a useful property to study reactivity given that an approaching electrophile will be attracted to negative region (where the electron distribution effect is dominant). In the majority of the MEPs, while the maximum negative region which preferred site of for electrophilic attack indication as red colour, the maximum positive region which preferred site for nucleophilic attack symptoms as blue colour. The importance of MEP lies in the fact that it simultaneous displays molecular size, shape as well as positive, negative and neutral electrostatic potential regions in terms of colour grading (Fig. 9) and is very useful in research of molecular structure with its physiochemical property relationship [15, 16]. The resulting surface simultaneously displays molecular size and shape and electrostatic potential value.
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Figure 9: The Electrostatic potential of diagram in N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl) (phenyl) methylidene] -4 methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide. |
The different values of the electrostatic potential at the surface are represented by different colours. The potential increases in the order red < orange < yellow < green< blue. The colour code of these maps is the range between the HOMO – 1.437 a.u. (Deepest red) to 1.437 a.u. (Deepest blue) and LUMO is – 1.521 a.u. (Deepest red) to 1.521 a.u in N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. Whereas blue colour indicates the strongest attraction and red colour indicates the strongest repulsion. The regions of negative V(r) are usually associated with the lone pair of electro native atoms. The contour map of electrostatic potential of the N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecule has been constructed by the B3LYP STO-3gG basis set is shown in Fig. 10 also confirms the different negative (-4.700 a.u.) and positive (-4.700 a.u.) potential sites of the molecules in accordance with the total electron density surface.
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Figure 10: The total electron density surface mapped with electrostatic potential N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules. Click here to View figure |
In present investigation, N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide crystals were grown by slow evaporation method . The X-ray single crystal structural refinement indicated monoclinic structure and good crystalline quality. The of HOMO-LUMO analyses, energy value of HOMO was computed -0.11757 a.u. and LUMO was 0.01354 a.u. and HOMO-LUMO energy was -0.10403 a.u. The molecular electrostatic potential result reflected, the surface simultaneously displays molecular size and shape and electrostatic potential value. The total electron density surface mapped with electrostatic potential have different negative (-4.700 a.u.) and positive (-4.700 a.u.) potential sites. The Mulliken atomic charges calculated at the B3LYP STO-3gG. It was worthy to mention that C6, C7, and C17 atoms of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide molecules exhibit positive charge, while C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, and C20 atoms exhibited negative charges, Oxygen O1 and O2 have been a maximum negative charges -0.46224 and -0.47788 for those values B3LYP STO-3gG basis set. The theoretical molecular structures of N’-[(E)-(4-Bromophenyl)(phenyl)methylidene]-4-methylbenzenesulfonohydrazide were determined by the B3LYP STO-3gG. It is suggested this crystal will be used for nonlinear electro optic field.
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