ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039

Volume 40, Number 4

Volume 40, Number 4

Multivariate Analysis for Assessment of Vamsadhara River Water Quality, Andhra Pradesh, India

Introduction Water is a vital natural resource for life as we know it. The utmost prerequisite for life is water, and ever since the very start of time, individuals have made efforts to make...

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Photocatalytic Degradation of New Fuchsine using Lead Chromate for Water Reuse: Efficiency and Degradation Pathway Contaminants Remediation

Introduction The swift advancement of diverse manufacturing technologies, including textiles, food production, leather, paper, and printing, significantly improved human living standards. The environment and the health of people and animals on Earth can be...

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Evaluation of Sorption Capacity of Stem Carbon of Aerva Lanata (L). for Turquoise Blue Dye Removal from an Aqueous Solution

Introduction A healthy environment is a basic human right that wants to be upheld; nevertheless, the trend in the present world is industrialization. In the last few decades, pollution has become a phenomenon that...

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Analysis of Different Metals in Groundwater and Its Toxicity in Plants

Introduction The purity of water is instinctively related to the health of people, decreasing poverty, promoting equality among men and women, assuring food safety, supporting livelihoods, protecting environments, and encouraging economic and social progress...

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Phytochemical Screening of Isodon ternifolius and Goniothalamus sesquipedalis and their Antioxidant Properties

Introduction Medicinal plants are extensively used as remedies for various diseases and have shown promising potential with the efficacy of many established herbal products1. Plants are the natural source of organic and inorganic components....

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Synthesis of Polynorbornene Based Molecular Self-Assembly for the Detection of Copper Ions Present in the Environmental Water Samples

Introduction Nature organized itself with a wide variety of molecular architecture with different types of nanostructural self-assembly which includes DNA double helix, tubulin assembly lipid build blocks, etc. Molecular self-assembly is a highly efficient...

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Effective Removal of Turquoise Blue Reactive Dyes Using Tubular Furnace Supported Activated Carbon Prepared from Delonix Regia Pods – Kinetics and Thermodynamic Studies

Introduction Throughout the dyeing process, over 15% of the world’s total dye production is wasted and emitted as influents 1. One of the most challenging tasks facing the pulp, paper, textile finishing, and dye...

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Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Sulfides (MS2; M = Mo and W) Nanostructures with their Structural and Optical Properties

Introduction Nanostructured transition metal disulfides (TMDSs) have stimulated extensive attention of scientists and technologists for their exotic physical, structural, chemical, thermoelectric, tribological, mechanical and phase-dependent electronic properties that are useful for photodetectors, optoelectronics, spintronics,...

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Adsorption of Chromium (VI) from Wastewater Using Blended Natural Adsorbent

Introduction Recent significant issue surroundings Contamination removed by physical, biological, or chemical method. In adsorption method adsorbate molecules accumulated on the adsorbent surface. The human body can suffer grave health consequences from water contaminated...

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Extraction, Isolation, Characterization and Nootropic Activity of Bioactive Compounds from Ethanolic Extract of Leaves of Leucaena leucocephala

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the very popular and well-known neurodegenerative illness associated to ageing those results in death. It is characterized by a progressive loss of brain function, cholinergic function deterioration, and memory...

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Anticancer Activity of Flavanone Isolated from Citrus medica and its Combination Effect with a Synthetic Drug 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose

Introduction The use of plants as medicine dates back to ancient times, with traditional folk medicine employing a wide range of plants to treat both mild and severe ailments. More recently, modern clinical approaches...

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TiO2 Thin Film’s Fabrication and Characterization in Response to Heat Treatment

Introduction Environmental improvement with TiO2 photocatalyst is receiving huge attention today because of the rise in environmental issues 1. TiO2 is a suitable material Because of many prime physical properties that are required for thin film applications....

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Synthesis and Spectral Analysis of Heterocyclic Compounds Derived from Chalcone Derivatives

Introduction Chalcones, a subset of the flavonoid class, hold considerable significance in the field of medicine due to their diverse range of applications. Within the broader category of flavonoids, chalcones play pivotal roles in...

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Methyl Silicon (IV) Schiff Base Complexes: Synthesis, Coordination Behavior and Their Pharmacologically Significance as Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Diabetic Agents

Introduction The design of Schiff base is widely recognized as versatile ligand due to its easy synthesis and diverse applications in synthesizing metal complexes. Among these, Schiff base amino acid complexes have acquired attention...

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Study of Photogalvanic Effect by Using of Marigold Flower as Natural Photosensitizer, Xylose as Reductant and Brij -35 as Surfactant for Solar Radiation Conversion and Storage

Introduction The rapid depletion of fossil energy resources and resultantly need of alternative sources of energy are major concerns. As a result, renewable energy (RE) sources are becoming more popular, with SE being the...

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Investigation Rheological Behavior of Chocolate

Introduction Chocolate was discovered in the years 250-290 after Christ in Central America. Although it is possible that other explorers had discovered chocolate in America long before, Europeans did not learn about this delicious...

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Synthesis and In-Vitro/Silico Evaluation of Fluorinated Chalcones

Introduction The shikimate route produces chalcones, phenolic phytochemicals of the flavonoid class. Flavonoids can trace their biosynthesis back to chalcones. In chemical terms, chalcones are usually alkenones that consist of two rings of ketones...

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Comparison Between Dimethoxy Chalcone and its Dinitro Pyrazoline by their Computational Prediction

Introduction Chalcone and Pyrazoline moieties which include these, are a wider range of drugs that may be analogically, termed by two aspects: they are considered as biosynthetic chemicals on the one hand and as...

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Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Pergularia daemia: Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles

Introduction Pergularia daemia, a member of asclepiadaceae family, is a perennial vine commonly found along Indian roadsides. Its aerial parts possess diverse medical properties, serving as anti-helminthic, antiseptic and anti-venom agents, along with treating...

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Advances in Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskites Synthesis, Structural, Optical, and Photovoltaic Insights

Introduction Methylammonium lead halide perovskites, namely MAPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I), have demonstrated potential as hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites in solar cell technology 1. Perovskites provide appealing features such as extended carrier lifetimes, adjustable...

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Exploring Benzimidazole Chemistry: Synthesis, Biological Activity, and Molecular Docking Studies for Alzheimer’s Treatment

Introduction The heterocyclic ring benzoimidazole is created by combining imidazole with benzene containing the chemical formula C7H6N2 and weighing 118.14 g/mol. 1H-benzimidazole is benzimidazole’s IUPAC name. The presence of two nitrogen-containing, five-membered planar rings...

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Assessment of Arsenic and Physicochemical Properties of Soil Around Municipal Waste Dumpsite at Rohtak, Haryana, India

Introduction Disposal of waste is one of the most significant issues the world is currently facing. Abandoned materials from commercial, industrial, agricultural, manufacturing, and community operations are referred to as solid waste1. Open dumpsites...

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Synthesis and Characterization of Colloidal Silver nanoparticles of about 16 nm Diameter by a Chemical Reduction Method

Introduction Metal nanoparticles are the good number studied nanopartcles among which AgNPs paid an excellent interest due its vast applications. Last 30 years has noticed the tremendous use of AgNPs in different fields like...

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Photocatalytic Degradation of Azure-A Using Visible Light-Responsive Metal Bismuth Iodides: A Comparative study

Introduction The enormous enlargement of industrialization and urbanization has a terrible impact on water pollution in the last few decades. Therefore, there is a requirement for better sustainable “green technology” that can be advantageous...

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An Investigation of the Effect of Adding KSCN on the UV-visible Absorption Behaviour of Chitosan-based Iodophor

Introduction Chitosan (Cs) is a polymer with a random distribution of b-(1-4)-linked D-glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine within the polymer soluble in both organic and dilute mineral acids.1,2 Chitosan and its derivatives have diverse bioactivities, non-toxicity,...

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The Elegance of Epoxidation: Mechanistic Insights, Diverse Applications, and Promising Horizons

Introduction Epoxidation is a chemical reaction that involves the formation of an epoxide, a three-membered cyclic ether, from a double bond. It is a significant reaction in organic chemistry due to its synthetic versatility...

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New Synthesis, Solvatochromism, Halochromism and Dying Applications of Azo Compound 4-hydroxy-3-((3-nitrophenyl)diazenyl)benzaldehyde

Introduction Azo compounds contain significant functional groups; therefore, they are widely used in industrial1, pharmaceuticals2 and they have biological activity3,4 like anticancer5, antimicrobial, antioxidant6,7.Various compounds have demonstrated pesticide  properties due to the presence of...

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Investigation of New Procedure for Selective Reaction and Synthesis of Some New 2-Substituted Benzimidazole

Introduction The Benzimidazole pharmacophore stands as a pipathogensrocyclic element within a plethora of pharmaceutical1,2.  Because of  their broad spectrum of bioactivity, this compounds class has captured the interest of medicinal and organic chemists, spurring...

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CMC (Critical Micelle Concentration) Study of Some Detergents with or Without Electrolyte and Calculation of Thermodynamic Parameters Using Conductivity Method at Different Temperatures

Introduction In surface and colloidal chemistry, CMC is defined as the concentration of surfactants above which micelles form. All surfactants show a characteristic properties i.e, CMC (Critical Micelle Concentration). Surface tension changes strongly with...

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A Mini Review on Monodentate Coordination Behavior of Dicyanoargentate Anion towards 3d Transition-Metal Ion, Blocked by Different Blocking Ligands

 Introduction It has been well-known that among the cyanometalates1-47 like [Fe(CN)6]2–, hexacyannidoferrate(II); [Fe(CN)6]3–, hexacyanidoferrate(III);  [Cr(CN)6]3–, hexacyanidochromate(III); [Co(CN)6]3–, hexacyanidocobaltate(III) , [Ni(CN)4]2–, tetracyanonickelate(II)  etc. Again dicyanoargentate ion, [Ag(CN)2]– is one of the potential inorganic bridging ligand1,5,16-25 to...

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Unique Magnetically Separable MnFe2O4/HAP Nanocomposite Photocatalyst for the Removal of Dye Pollutants

Introduction The escalated population combined with speedy development and modernization have worsened the accessibility of fresh water. The polluted water discharged exclusively from textile, printing, leather and dye industries pose severe threat to human...

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Formulation Development and Characterization of Lovastatin Nanogel for the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia

Introduction Hyperlipidemia is the main risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis, which eventually results in cardiovascular disease. The increased prevalence of dyslipidemia is mainly due to food habits and lifestyle factors brought about...

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Personalized Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

Introduction Personalized medicine signifies a transformative shift in healthcare, marking a departure from standardized approaches towards individualized treatments. It acknowledges the significance of genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors in health and treatment response1.Utilizing...

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Review of Cerium-based Catalysts and Eco-Friendly Oxidants for Chlorine-Free Benzaldehyde Production via Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol

Introduction Benzaldehyde (Bz-AL) stands as an industrially significant chemical, particularly as a crucial starting material or intermediary for manufacturing numerous organic compounds across various industries1. Currently, the chemical industry employs two main methods for...

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Assessment of Indoor Air Chemical Pollutants at Faculty of Health Sciences Administrative Offices Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus

Introduction The quality of air within and surrounding buildings and structures is a critical factor known as indoor air quality (IAQ), which plays a significant role in determining the health, comfort, and overall well-being...

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