About: chem-xpert
Evaluation of the Oral Toxicity of Litchi Chinensis Pericarp Extract in Experimental Rats
Introduction Herbal remedies have been employed for a wide range of medical conditions since antiquity. 1-4 . The utilization of flora is motivated by various factors, including commonplace, traditional, philosophical, and economic considerations, among...
Read MoreSelected Coastal Plants as Potential Treatment for Pneumonia Disease: Determination of Their Phytochemicals and Antibacterial Activity Against some Pneumonia Bacteria
Introduction A type of disease that spreads worldwide is respiratory diseases, including asthma1–3, influenza4, tuberculosis3, lung cancer2,3, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)1–3, pulmonary fibrosis5, pneumonia6. Over the past 150 years, respiratory diseases have remained...
Read MoreSynthesis and Characterization of Copper Aluminosilicate Nanocomposites by Co-precipitation for Catalytic Activity
Introduction In recent years, one issue that has generated significant concern due to its adverse effects, mainly on human health, is the contamination of water (surface and groundwater), including the ocean. The principal cause...
Read MoreDetermination of Caffeic Acid in Cigarette Smoke and Urine by Electrochemical Methods Using Supramolecular Electroactive Materials grafted in Screen Printed Carbon Electrode
Introduction Caffeic acid (CFA) is ubiquitous because it is a biosynthetic intermediate for lignin, a major component of woody plant material and its byproducts 1. Due to ganglionic blockade, high doses of caffeic acid...
Read MoreAn Investigative Study of Medicinal Herbs for Anti-obesity Potential
Introduction Obesity, a chronic medical condition characterized by excessive or abnormal fat accumulation in the body result in adverse metabolic, biomechanical and psychosocial health consequences. In simple words, it is a disease when a...
Read MoreEnhancing Cannabis Extraction Efficiency and Sustainability through Quantum Computing: A Review
Introduction Overview of Cannabis sativa as a medicinal plant Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana or hemp, is a versatile plant with a wide range of applications and significant medicinal potential. It has been...
Read MoreAdaptive Paramagnetism and Photoluminescence in Nitrogen, Co-doped Mn:CdS Composite Quantum Dots
Introduction Since the 1990s, nanomaterials ranging from 1 to 100 nm in structural dimensions have emerged as a central focus in the domains of chemistry, biology, physics, and medicine [1]. These nanoparticles, or quantum...
Read MoreThe Emergence of CaO-MgO based Binary Oxides of Alkaline Earth Metals as Cost-effective Solid Base Heterogeneous Catalysts and Sorbents: A Mini Review
Introduction When considered heterogeneous catalysis, non-noble metal based solid base heterogeneous catalysts (SBHCs) including oxides of alkali metal (AMOs) and alkaline earth metals (AEMOs), zeolites incorporated with AMs and AEMs, MOFs formed with AMs and...
Read MorePreparation and Characterization of Organosiloxanes with a Liquid Crystalline trans-4-Pentylcyclohexanoate Moiety
Introduction When comparing small molecule liquid crystals with side-chain polymer liquid crystals 1,2,5,10,15,16, small molecules have the advantages of low viscosity and faster photoelectric response rates. Conversely, side-chain polymers exhibit increased viscosity and slower...
Read MoreA Practical Approach for Solubility Enhancement of Leflunomide
Introduction Leflunomide is 5- Methyl- N- [4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]- 4- isoxazole carboxamide, structure shows in figure 1.1 It is a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.2 Leflunomide is practically insoluble in water. Poorly soluble drugs can...
Read MoreSynthesis and Characterization of 6-Amino Caproic Acid Tkp-Based Resin for Wastewater Treatment
Introduction Water is the prime resource on land because all living things must survive. One of the basic needs for all life on earth is access to clean drinking water. But there are many...
Read MoreQuantitative Mineralogical Analysis and Study of Morphology and Thermal Characteristics of Rock Samples of Dudhi Nala and Bokaro River.
Introduction Damodar Valley Basin, an important storehouse of indian coal, is part of the Gondwana Systems. The beds of Talchir formation are well exposed in the western part of the Bokaro basin, ( Dudhi...
Read MoreSynthesis of Schiff bases Derivatives of 1,3-oxazepine and Evaluation of Antioxidant Action In vitro
Introduction Oxazepine are seven membered heterocyclic structures with one nitrogen and one oxygen replacing the carbon atom at various positions 1. . Three isomeric forms of oxazepine have been known (Figure 1). Figure 1:...
Read MoreElegant Explorations of Ionic Liquids in the Expeditious Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
Introduction Transition metal nanoparticles are critical for a wide range of potential applications in science and industry, including sensors and catalysts.1-5 Several physical and chemical approaches were used to form metal oxide nanoparticles of...
Read MoreComparative Phytochemical Analysis of Kanakasava, Kanakasava Distillate, and Kanakasava Nebulizer Solution Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
Introduction Chronic respiratory disorders, which can affect both adults and children, are becoming more and more prevalent worldwide. According to WHO, an estimated 400 million individuals worldwide suffer from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary...
Read MoreEco-friendly Synthesis of Strontium Oxide Nanoparticles using Solanum nigrum Leaf Extract: Characterization and Antibacterial Potential
Introduction Biomedical research, food processing, electrochemical systems, beauty and personal care, pharmaceutical development, catalytic reactions, sensor technology and other nanotechnology fields have advanced greatly in the past decade. These advances pollute the environment 1...
Read MoreSynthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Novel Oxazine and Thiazine Compounds Derived from Chalcones
Introduction Oxazines and Thiazines, two classes of organic compounds, exhibit a diverse array of biological activities, making them subjects of significant interest in the field of chemical and pharmaceutical research. In this comprehensive report,...
Read MoreThe Analysis of Pyrostegia Venusta Flower Mediated Dye as Sensitizer for TiO2 Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Introduction After Gratzel and others, first invented the DSSC in 1991, the scientific community became very interested in the DSSC because of its low costs of production and its ecological advantage. 1. The DSSCs...
Read MoreDFT study of Lithium, Sodium and Potassium salts of Amino Acids; Global Reactivity Descriptors, Optimized parameters and Hydration Free Energy
Introduction Major greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is accountable for the global warming that has been observed over the past few decades, as well as for the worries about relatedclimate change and its potential...
Read MorePhytochemical Screening and In-vitro Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of Lantana Camara Linn. Leaf Extract
Introduction Nowadays the rate of infections is increasing drastically due to various climatic conditions. All these infections are due to different microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc. To overcome these microbial infections,...
Read MoreSynthesis and Biofunctional Evaluation of Novel Isoxazole, C-Nucleoside, and Thioxopyrimidine Derivatives
Introduction Organic chemistry’s thiopyrimidines constitute an intriguing subject with a wide range of practical and research applications. They make adaptable building blocks for the synthesis of diverse compounds with specific features because of their...
Read MoreQuantification of Telmisartan and Azelnidipine Combination in using Liquid Chromatography: Stability Studies
Introduction Telmisartan (TTN) is chemically approved and the molecular formula is C33H30N4O2 and the molecular weight is 514.62. TTN is acting as receptor inhibitor for angiotensin II1,2. It consists of very broad area of...
Read MoreInvestigation of Linagliptin – Human Serum Albumin Complex formation using Spectroscopic Analysis and Molecular Docking
Introduction Plasma protein binding (PPB) is a crucial factor that significantly affects the pharmacokinetics of a chemical substance 1. PPB also affects medication stability, toxicity, and pharmacological effects 2. Early in the drug development...
Read MoreSynthesis of CeO2-GO Nano Composite and its Impact on SOD1 Protein Through Computation Study: Molecular Docking
Introduction Nanoparticle development has branched out into a wide spectrum of clinical uses in the last few decades. Nanoparticles have been intended to overcome the limits of free treatments and to transportation biological barriers...
Read MoreNanocellulose from Agricultural Waste – A Concise Insight into Extraction and Applications
Introduction Agricultural production is forecasted to increase further to provide food to the burgeoning world’s population as well as to meet the industrial needs and animal food requirements1. The manufacture of biofuels had a...
Read MoreVisualizing Structure Models and Patterson Densities in four WS2 Polymorphs: Metastable (1T’, 4M) and Stable (2H, 3R) Phases
Introduction The fascinating phase-dependent physiochemistry of transition metal disulfides (TMDSs) in particular MS2 (M = Ti, Zr, V, Mo, W, Fe, Re) make them as active materials for innovative applications and have enormously been...
Read MoreDesign of Novel Thiohydantoin Derivatives and Exploration their Physico-Chemical Parameters
Introduction 2-Thiohydantoin is an important class of compounds within chemistry. It is a sulphur derivative of hydantoin which is obtained by replacing the oxygen atom of carbonyl group by sulphur. Thiohydantoin is a intermediate...
Read MorePhotocatalytic Degradation of Azo Dyes by Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Fabricated using Aqueous Flower Extract of Cassia alata
Introduction Water is an inevitable resource for the sustenance of all life forms on Earth. The swift industrial growth in developing countries emanates fromwater pollution due to organic and inorganic pollutants. Dyes are one...
Read MoreRheology of Almond (Prunus amygdalus) Oil used as Biodegradable Lubricant
Introduction Almond (Prunus amygdalus) oil is recommended for those for whom other treatments to remedy hair loss problems have not worked. Massaging the scalp with almond oil twice a week has a remarkable effect...
Read MoreSearch for New Inhibitors of Human Aromatase Enzyme (Cyp450) from Bioactive Compounds of Citrus species
Introduction Aromatase (gene CYP19) belongs to the cytochrome P450 enzyme family that synthesizes oestrogens from androgens. This gene expression was regulated differently in various tissues including breast, skin, adipose tissue and brain and so...
Read MoreSynthesis, Characterization, Molecular Docking and Anti- Anxiety Evaluation of Some Novel Phenothiazine Derivatives
Introduction Present scenario of the world reveals that the anxiety is a communal human emotion that includes behavioral, affective, and cognitive reactions to perceived threat. Occasionally, anxiety encourages a proactive and receptive reaction to...
Read MorePreparation of Gbsa (Guargum 1-Butane Sulphonic Acid) Resin and Study of their Physicochemical Characterization and Use for Removal of Toxic Metal from Effluents
Introduction Heavy metal ions, including ferrous, copper, zinc, lead, and others, have been found in the effluent from the mining, tannery, electroplating, battery, and steel sectors. When they exceed tolerance thresholds, heavy metal ions...
Read MoreStudy on Solution Behavior of Green Gemini-Conventional Mixed Systems and their Solubilization Capability Towards Phenanthrene
Introduction Surfactants are surface active agents; they contain both hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic parts, therefore they are amphiphilic in nature. Depending upon the charge present on the polar head, they are categorized as Ionic...
Read MoreEffect of Frying and Reheating Processes on the Fatty Acids and Antioxidants of Commonly Used Cooking Oils in the Arabian Region: A Comparative Study
Introduction The use of fat or oil for frying is one of the most popular ways to prepare meals since deep-fried foods are a cornerstone of the diet and are readily available from sellers...
Read MoreStudy of Corrosion Resistant Property of Benzoxazine Synthesised from Euginol with N-Butylamine and Copolymerised with Polyurethane on Mild Steel
Introduction Corrosion means degradation of metal or alloys by direct interaction with the environment. Mild steel can widely use in large number of applications, marine application, pipelines which are highly used to transport oils...
Read MoreTunable Paramagnetism in Mn co-doped N:CdS Composite Nanoparticles
Introduction Nanocrystalline CdS is well known as an easy-tunable, wide-direct-band gap semiconductor. It allows the doping of a wide variety of elements, ranging from s-block to f-block, as dopants. Depending on the nature of...
Read MoreRecent Monitoring of Ground Water Quality in and Around Industrial Area of Vellore City at Two Different Monsoon Periods, South India
Introduction Different processes, including organic matter degradation, rock-water interactions, aerobic respiration, iron reduction, mineral dissolution, weathering, industrial discharge effluents, and mixing of fresh and salt water, have been connected to variations in groundwater quality...
Read MoreCissus quadrangularis is a Potential Anticancer Herb – A Review
Introduction The perennial species Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) is a member of the Vitaceae family. It is a common climber that can be found in the majority of India’s tropical regions. Cissus quadrangularis is a...
Read MoreSynthesis and Spectroscopy Characterizations of Some New Bis 1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones Derived from 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde Substrate
Introduction Heterocyclic compounds have been classified as one of the most significant classes of organic molecules as a result of their use in industrial and pharmaceutical applications.1-13 The most significant of them are thiozolidinones (Scheme 1),...
Read MoreDevelopment of a Multi Residue Method for the Quantification of 45 Pesticides Using Gc-Ms/Ms and Study of Peeling Effect on Pesticide Residues in Citrus Fruits
Introduction The Rutaceae family, which includes citrus fruits, is the most well-known and commonly cultivated fruit family in the world, with an annual production of 158 million metric tonnes 1. China is the world’s...
Read MoreBeneficiation of Coal with Biochemical Method and Effect of Treated Coal on Boiler Efficiency In Power Generatation.
Introduction Even after the bulk addition of renewable energy in the Indian energy sector, the contribution of energy generation from fossil fuels is very significant i.e., around 58% of the energy requirements are being...
Read MoreA Comprehensive Review on the Techniques and Indexes Used for the Analysis of Fluorosis in Humans and Cattle
Introduction The health of the population of an area is significantly determined by the quality of water consumed. Groundwater is the most crucial water source for any nation and has a critical role in...
Read MoreSynthesis and Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitory Activity Evaluation of Some Pyridazine Derivatives
Introduction Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), an inducible enzyme, is produced during the inflammation of the body cells1. The untreated inflammation may progress to many diseases, including disability-causing diseases (different types of arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease), cancer,...
Read MoreDesign, Synthesis and Anticancer Properties of Novel Hydrazino-Fused Pyrimidines
Introduction Protein kinases have emerged as a possible therapeutic targets, with nearly 30 distinct kinase targets being developed for the phase-I trials1. The cell cycle regulation and proliferation mainly depend on cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)....
Read MoreExploring the Expanding Frontiers: The Promising Role of Supramolecules in Advancing Cancer and Infectious Disease Therapy
Introduction Cancer and bacterial infections remain significant public health challenges worldwide. Cancer is a complicated and diverse illness defined by uncontrolled cell growth and proliferation that can infiltrate and spread to other region of...
Read MoreThickening Performance Evaluation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Hydrophobic Associated Polymer in Acid Circumstances
Introduction The ever-increasing exploration on oil and gas reservoir brings abundant fossil fuels and resources. The oil reservoir is mainly consisted of volcanic rock reservoir, clastic rock reservoir and carbonate reservoir. Among these reservoirs,...
Read MoreAnalysis of Fish Productivity in Mohabala Lake, Bhadravati, Maharashtra, India
Introduction Hinterland water bodies are as diversiform as they are bountiful. These are relevant origin of food and also very useful for the requirement of rural people. The second largest producer of Inland fishes...
Read MoreSynthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Benzimidazole Containing Ligand and Its Metal Complexes
Introduction Benzimidazole is fused heterocyclic compound, which are associated with various pharmaceutical activities such as antimicrobial, anti-cancer, antiproliferative, anti-diabetic and antibacterial, etc1-5. Due to various biological properties, Thiosemicarbazides became significant functional group. The numbers...
Read MoreEffect of Temperature on Rheology of Corn (Zea mays) Oil
Introduction Corn (Zea mays) kernels have been used since ancient times in food, both for humans and animals. Maize is the seed of a plant that is native to Central America but is widely...
Read MoreYtterbium(III) Chloride: A superior Reagent for the Synthesis of 4-Chloro-5, 6-Dihydro-2H-Pyran Derivatives via Cyclization of Epoxides and Homopropynyl Alcohols
Introduction Dihydropyrans are six-membered oxygenated ring heterocycles that are important intermediates for the synthesis of various natural products and pharmaceutical agents.1,2 Among them, (+)-cacospongionolide B, a marine natural product has been shown to have...
Read MoreSunlight Induced Photogalvanics for Conversion and Storage of Solar energy: Coomassie Brilliant Blue-Isopropyl Alcohol-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate System
Introduction Energy is unique key for scientific development of biosphere. Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy are under limitations. Depletion factor for wood, coal, kerosene, etc are responsible for next searching way for energy...
Read MoreEnhancement of Coal Quality by Using Bio Extracts of Carissa Carandas Fruits
Introduction Due to shifting of economy from primary sector (Agricultural sector) to industry and service sectors in the developing nations, the demand for electricity has been increased. As per the global power scenario, coal...
Read MoreAnalytical Method Development and Validation of Quetiapine Fumarate in Api and Dosage form by Using Rp – Hplc
Introdcution Quetiapine Fumarate is an Anti-psychotic agent and Anti depressive agent. It is designated chemically as a 2-[2-(4-Dibenzo [b, f] [1, 4] thiazepin-11-yl-1- piperazinyl) ethoxy] ethanol. The drug’s solubility is in methanol, Ethanol, Water...
Read MoreOptically Important Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Nanoparticles Synthesis using a Hydrothermal Route with Citric Acid as a Structure Directing Agent
Introduction Metal nanoparticles and composites gained significant attention due to their remarkable properties and diverse applications 1-6. Cu and Ag nanoparticles exhibit unique optical, electrical, and catalytic characteristics, making them promising candidates for various...
Read MoreSynthesis and Application of Tamarind 4-Amino Butyric Acid (Taba) for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Industerial Effluent’s
Introduction Water contamination due to the dumping of heavy metals continues to be a major concern round the world. The treatment of unclean business waste water consequently continues to be a supply of world...
Read MoreThe Oxidative Transformation of Substituted Mandelic Acids by Ethylenediammonium Dichromate in AcOH-H2O Medium: A Kinetic Study
Introduction Chromium (VI) has been approved as a consequential reagent in organic synthesis and has been utilized to oxidize organic compounds in both aqueous and non-aqueous media 1-3. It is investigated to be venomous...
Read MoreImpedance Analysis on Interaction Between OfLoxacin and Supported BLM
Introduction Biomembranes assume a significant role in the specific transport of atoms, receptor restriction, enzymatic movement, and control of cell-to-cell cooperation in every single organic framework 1. Biomembranes are made of lipids and proteins....
Read MoreExperimental investigation of Inhibition on Mild Steel Corrosion in two Different Acid Mediums by Synthesized Piperazin Derivatives
Introduction To remove the scale deposited over the metal surface, it has been treated in acid pickling baths. The choice of inhibitors generally depends on the type of acid medium used, concentration, temperature, and...
Read MoreSynthesis and Characterization of Benzimidazole Derivatives and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity
Introduction All the heterocyclic compounds are of great interest in pharmaceutical chemistry. Out of these heterocyclic compounds the benzofused heterocyclic compound, i.e. benzimidazole and its derivatives have wide variety of biological activities. The synthesis...
Read MoreDevelopment and Application of Newly Synthesized Mango Seed Starch 6-Amino Hexanoic Acid Resin for Elimination of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions from Industrial Effluents
Introduction Untreated industrial waste water contains toxic metal ions such as mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic that have been linked to either acute or chronic toxicities.1-3 Exploring novel active adsorbents as effective removal...
Read MoreSynthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Amino Acid Derivatives of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole
Introduction Oxadiazoles, sometimes known as furadiazoles are compounds with a five-membered ring consisting of one oxygen and two nitrogen atoms1, 2. Oxadiazoles have been shown to have a wide range of beneficial biological effects3....
Read MoreInvitro Antidiarrheal and Antimicrobial Assessments of Phytofabricated Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Through Curculigo Orchioides
Introduction Diarrhea is among the primary reasons for illness and death in both kids and adults, owing to inadequate cleanliness and sanitation. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes diarrhoea as the passing of three...
Read MoreDevelopment of a Chromatographic Technique for Quantification of Drotaverine Hydrochloride and Diclofenac Potassium
Introduction The benzyl isoquiniline derivative Drotaverine Hydrochloride (DROTA) has parasymptholytic action. It may relieve pain without causing drowsiness or loss of awareness. The spasmolytic activity of this drug act by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase-4. It...
Read MoreEffect of Ag ion Implantation on the Crystallinity and Optical Property of Spin-coated TiO2 Thin Films
Introduction Metal oxide-based semiconductors are classified as a key class of substance because of their extraordinary basic mechanical, chemical, electrical, optical, and luminous capabilities 1,2. The ability of nanosized TiO2 to act as a...
Read MoreComparison study for the Phytochemical Constituents of two Curcuma species by GC-MS Technique
Introduction Curcuma caesia Roxb. and Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. are two species belonging to the Curcuma genus, which is a part of the Zingiberaceae family. Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. is distributed in the Northeast, Madhya Pradesh,...
Read MoreAntidiabetic Potential of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Using Biological and Polymer Functionalized Method Mediated by Sarcostemma acidum Stem Extract
Introduction W.H.O (World Health Organization) reported that approximately 80% of the world’s population practiced the ‘traditional medicines’. They are act as a primary health care in both developed and developing countries where the contemporary...
Read MoreAcoustical and Spectroscopical Analysis of Surfactant with Different Alcohols at Various Concentrations and Temperatures
Introduction The study of ultrasonic has become increasingly fascinating in recent years. The ultrasonic study of liquids is significant for comprehending molecular interaction type and intensity. The character of inter- and intra-molecular interactions can...
Read MoreDegradation of Biebrich Scarlet Textile Dye by using MBIR Dowex-1×8
Introduction The dyes are used in industries at different scales, such as textiles, paints, inks, plastics, cosmetics, etc. These are creating environmental problems. Dye is mainly used in the clothing industry1-2.In many countries, regulations...
Read MoreElevated Polyurethane Coated Polybenzoxaine Intercalated Zro2 Nanocomposites : A New Frontier for Protective Coatings in Various Disciplines
Indroduction Generally materials were used in cars, thermal power stations, railroads and various manufacturing frameworks deteriorate because of deterioration, which causes significant economic loss1-3 . Many polymeric coverings have been used to extend the...
Read MoreQuantification of Recoverable Components of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries
Introduction The development of the electronics industry to improve the living conditions of man on earth. This development generates the waste known as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) which is a global problem...
Read MoreRole of Alizarin Red-S – NaLS – Ascorbic Acid System in Solar Photogalvanic Performance and Storage
Introduction Energy is key component biosphere as living standard. Energy is needed for almost anything and everything in life. Consumption of energy is one of the indices in determine the levels of development of...
Read MoreSynthesis and Molecular Docking Analysis of New Thiazo-Isoindolinedione Hybrids as Potential Inhibitors of the SARS-Cov-2 Main Protease
Introduction In December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a global health emergency 1, 2. According to the WHO statistics, SARS-CoV-2 resulted in over...
Read MoreFabrication and Electrochemical Investigation of RGO-NiO Nanocomposite Electrodes for Supercapacitor Applications
Introduction Since energy is a necessity for survival, devices with large energy storage capacities are the immediate requirement for any developing country1. The life span of natural sources of energy is the main challenge...
Read MoreIdentification and Validation of Genotoxic impurity in Ezetimibe by Reverse Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Introduction Ezetimibe is an active pharmaceutical ingredient was used as a cholesterol penetration blockage and then it was segregated a new classification of its kind. Its chemical name is (3R,4S)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-[(3S)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-hydroxypropyl]-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-azetidinone and its structure was...
Read MoreDual Mode Photoluminescence Studies of Polyol-Mediated Ho3+ Doped CePO4
Introduction With the rapid development of rare earth minerals, they are currently referred to as inorganic vitamins. These rare earth-doped nano-phosphors are a distinct group of light-emitting materials whose spectrum properties are determined by...
Read MoreDialdehyde Starch-Lysine Conjugates: Chemical, Structural and Functional Properties
Introduction In industrial applications, native starch exhibits many disadvantages in terms of technological properties. Therefore, food scientists and technologists have modified starches to change and improve their technological, physicochemical, chemical and digestive properties. There...
Read MoreDevelopment in the Modification of Phenolic Resin by Renewable Resources: A Review
Introduction In recent years, researchers have explored every possibility in a major effort to find novel and sustainable polymers. Nowadays, work is focused on the modification of thermoset polymers. Thermoset polymers are extremely important...
Read MoreOrganic Geochemical Investigation of Crude Oils from the Al Bayda Platform Area (Samah Formation), Central Part of the Sirte Basin, Northern Libya
Introduction Petroleum is composed of paraffin and naphthene mixed compounds, aromatic components, and trace elements 11, 40,. All crude oils are grouped into 4 fractions: aliphatics, aromatic hydrocarbons, NSOs (resin) compounds and asphaltenes 37....
Read MoreEnzymatic Activity of Polyphenol Oxidase: A Laboratory Experiment in Flexible Learning
Introduction Enzymatic browning is a common post-harvest processing and storage reaction in fruits, vegetables, and food products especially those rich in phenolic compounds such as apple1, avocado2, jackfruit3, potato4, mung bean sprout5, sweet potato6,...
Read MoreBlack Pepper, Dietary Photochemical in the Prevention of Diseases by Oxidative Stress – A review
Introduction Natural sources of medicine have gained huge interest as they offer a variety of blessings in a range of activities and eliminate the disadvantages of toxicity and side effects offered by commercial drugs...
Read MoreSynthesis of New Organotin(IV) N-methyl-N-benzyldithiocarbamate Compounds and Cytotoxicity Assessment on Human Lung Carcinoma Cell Line (A549)
Introduction In developing and developed nations, a major cause of death is cancer. Cancer was responsible for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. Worldwide, in statistical terms, most of these occurred due to lung...
Read MoreIn Silico Analysis of UGT Gene as A Preliminary Data: A Review
Introduction Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms SNPs, also known as single nucleotide polymorphisms, are variations in the DNA sequence brought on by changes to one single nucleotide (A, T, C, or G). Around 90% of the...
Read MoreCorrelation Between Structure and New Anti-Cancer Activity of Some Antioxidants Following Chemical Structure Modification.
Introduction Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) is an area of medicinal chemistry. It has changed from focusing on making, isolating, and describing drugs to paying more attention to the biochemistry of disease states and making drugs...
Read MoreBiological Importance of Phytoconstitents Isolated from the Genus Randia and Gc-Ms Analysis of Petroleum-Ether Fruit Extract of Randia Dumetorum
Introduction Randia genus commonly known as Indigo berry, belongs to Rubiaceae family, sub-family Ixoroideae, tribe- Gardeniae, native to the america, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. This is a large and well-defined family,...
Read MoreSynthesis, Characterization and Dye Adsorption Studiesof Silver Nanoparticles by Biowaste Plant Caesalpinia Pulcherrima
Introduction The study of structures and materials at the nanoscale size is known as “nanoscience.” The field of nanoscience deals with the study of very tiny things. The characteristics of nanoparticles are examined in...
Read MoreEvaluation of Chiral Selectivity of Quinine Immobilized Chitin and Chitosan
Introduction Asymmetric synthesis and optical resolution of racemates have drawn significant attraction in the past few decades. It is a widely accepted fact that more than 50 % drugs currently in use are chiral...
Read MoreGreen Procedure for the synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles using Nerium Oleander Leaf Extract: Characterizations and Applications
Introduction Nanotechnology is the study and control of matter at sizes between 1 and 100 nanometers, where different phenomena alter novel applications. These materials’ physical and chemical characteristics will be completely different from those...
Read MoreNon Carcinogenic Risk Assessment of Fluoride: A Case Study on Distribution of Water Quality Parameters in Groundwater of Kurnool District
Introduction The quality of groundwater depends on the composition of the recharged water, the interactions between the water and the soil, dissolved gases, geological conditions, the residence time and reactions that take place within...
Read MoreCharacterization of the Bryophyllum Pinnatum Leaf’s Active Component and its Antidiarrheal Potential
Introduction In, 2017 the mortality from diarrheal diseases is 1.6 million and is one of the leading causes of death around the globe. This number exceeds the sum of all “intentional injury” fatalities in...
Read MoreQuality by Design Based Development and Quantification of Telmisartan and Rosuvastatin Calcium Using RP-HPLC.
Introduction Telmisartan (TEL), also known as 4-[[4-Methyl-6(1-methyl-1H-benzimidazole-2-yl)-2-propyl-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl]methyl]-2-biphenylcarboxylic acid (Fig. 1A). Its appearance is off-white or slightly yellowish, and crystal-like powder. It is classified as an antihypertensive drug.[1,2] Rosuvastatin Calcium (ROS), also known as (E)-(3R,5S)-7[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-2[methyl(methylsulphonylamino)]pyrimidin-5-yl]3,5-dihydroxyhepten-6-oic...
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