ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039

About: chem-xpert

Evaluation of Natural Pigments as Antioxidant and Antibacterial Agents from Tagetes Erecta Flowers Extracts

Introduction Several plants, parts of plants or plants extracts comprises a number of natural products that have some association with medical properties and are used in healthcare or in combating disease. From the last...

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Gadolinium-Mesoporous Silica as a Potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents

Introduction In recent years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as one of the best techniques in medical diagnosis. MRI has been widely used and promotes the development of pharmaceutical compounds called contrast agents...

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Zeolite-Templated NiO Nanostructure for Methanol Oxidation Reaction

Introduction Porous solids are categorized in three classes: Microporous materials with a pore diameter (< 2nm), mesoporous materials are materials with a pore diameter of 2-50 nm and macroporous materials with a pore diameter...

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Investigation on Al Doped Zno Thin Films and its N-Alzno/P-Si Junction Diodes Via Dip Coating and JNSP Techniques

Introduction Nowadays, forming a p-n junction diode by transition metal oxide (TMO) as an n-type layer and silicon (Si) wafer as a p-type is convincing method for electronics industry. The recent survey concludes that...

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Green Synthesis and Characterization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Phyllanthus Niruri Extract

Introduction In a broad sense, the term biosynthesis includes a wide range of possible applications from nanotechnology enabled, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes that reduce waste products; the use of nanomaterials as catalysts for greater...

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Microwave Assisted-Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles

Introduction Synthesis of nano and functional materials and their doping with rare and noble metals have attracted attention of many researchers.1,2  Magnetic nano-materials are characterized by their enormous physical properties, ease of preparation and low...

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Synergistic Effect Between Gum Exudates of Eucalyptus Globles and 2,6-Diphenyl-3-Methylpiperidin-4-one on Corrosion Inhibition of MS in 1N HCl

Introduction In many industries corrosion is a major problem for materials during acid pickling or chemical cleaning. Recently plant gum exudates are found to be non-toxic green corrosion inhibitors for various metals in different...

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Macro Coumarins as Novel Antioxidants

Introduction Coumarin is a simple molecule that originates from lactones family. As it possesses a benzopyrone system, it isolates itself from plants. Also, it can undergo total synthesis that is conducted in the laboratory....

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Novel Stress Indicating RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for the Simultaneous Estimation of Ertugliflozin and Sitagliptin in Bulk and its Formulation

Introduction A novel class of anti-diabetic drugs, which are inhibitors of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP4), which included sitagliptin, vildagliptin and  saxagliptin.1,2,3,4,5  Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a progressive disease, for the treatment of many...

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Utilization of Waste Leaves Biomass of Myrica Esculenta for the Removal of Pb (II), Cd (II) and Zn (II) Ions from Waste Waters

Introduction Since from last two or three decades, the exposure of heavy metals in the aquatic bodies has increased very rapidly.1 The presence of heavy metals in the water or waste water causes life threatening...

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Comparative Analysis of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) and Titania Doped YSZ (YZT) Sintered by two Different Routes: Conventional and Microwave Processing

Introduction YZT ceramics, mixed conducting oxides, find multiple applications in photo catalysis, opto-electronic devices, environmental purification, photo eletrochemical solar energy conversion, optical coatings, thermal barrier coatings, dental bio ceramics, Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor Insulator,...

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Antibacterial Activity of Red Dragon Fruit Leaves Extract and White Dragon Fruit Leaves Extract Against Meningitis Bacterial

Introduction Meningitis is inflamed in the meninges which function as a protector of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is caused by five main factors, namely bacterial, viruses, fungi, amoeba and several diseases. The...

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Effects of Dopant Ions on the Properties of Polyaniline Conducting Polymer

Introduction Previous studies have demonstrated that polyaniline (PANI) has electrical properties,1-5 and therefore it can be classified as a conducting polymer. Recently, conducting PANI has received considerable attention and has been the subject of intense...

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An Investigation of Textile Wastewater Treatment using Chlorella Vulgaris

Introduction Textile industries are one of the rapid growing sectors in India. There are 21,076 textile units in India of which 5,285 units in Tamilnadu.1 Textile processing includes sizing, de-sizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing, rinsing...

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Design and Fabrication of Temperature Sensor for Weather Monitoring System using MEMS Technology

Introduction Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) is a technology to develop micro devices and micro systems. MEMS are used for miniaturization of sensors. MEMS components are generally in size from micrometers to millimeters. The...

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New Modified Method for Determination of Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity in Plasma of Vitiligo Patients

Introduction Vitiligo is a skin pigmentation disorder and non-contagious disease, which is characterized by progressive skin depigmentation due to disorder in melanocytes function. With the prevalence of 1–2%, this disease represents a cause of...

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Synthesis of a New Conjugates of Imidazole wih Beta Lactam Moiety and Evaluation of its Expanded Antibacterial Activity

Introduction Bacterial infection considered as one of the most serious problem that threaten the human life.1 So that, antibacterial field played an important role to save many human lives and contributed to the control...

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Efficacy of Corrosion Inhibitive Properties of Gum Exudates of Azadirachta Indica on Carbon Steel in 1N Hydrochloric Acid

Introduction Carbon steel (CS) is extensively used in constructions as well as for industrial applications.1,2 Under different working environments, CS is liable to undergo corrosion. Though many ways are available for corrosion inhibition of...

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Synthesis and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of New Imides and Schiff Bases Derived from Ethyl -4-Amino Benzoate

Introduction 1,3,4-Oxadiazole is a heterocyclic five –member  ring  possessing  one oxygen atom and two nitrogen atoms. It is originated from a furan  ring ,where  two methylene groups (=CH) substituted  with two pyridine type nitrogen...

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New Aromatic Azo-Schiff as Carbon Steel Corrosion Inhibitor in 1 M H2SO4

Introduction Acidic solutions are usually used in industry for variety of purposes such cleaning and descaling of metallic parts; however, such processes are accompanied with the problem of corrosion which is considered as one...

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Free Fatty Acids Esterification on Palm Oil Sludge using Zirconia-supported Indonesia Natural Zeolite as Heterogeneous Catalyst

Introduction The biodiesel development as the sources of alternative renewable energy to substitute diesel fuel from crude oil has gained more attention in the last few decades due to the decreasing of fossil fuel...

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Identification and Antibacterial Evaluation of Selected Jordanian Medicinal Plants

Introduction Plants are still being used as integral part of the primary healthcare, in developing countries, though synthetic medicinal drugs are available worldwide. Due to the emergence of new resistant pathogens to the most...

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Applications of Aquaponics on Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L) and Nila Fish (Oreochromis Niloticus) to the Concentration of Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate

Introduction The world is currently faced with increased human population resulting in a high demand for energy, food, and water. Man’s quest to solve her ever-increasing needs has led to climate change, scarcity of...

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Recombinant Triplex formed by PNA-TFO: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

Introduction Triplex-forming Oligonucleotides (TFOs) are short oligonucleotides binds in major groove of double helical DNA and form DNA triplex. The triplex formation play important role in most of the vital function as in replication,...

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Data on the Microstructure and Passivation Behavior for Austenitic Nickel-Chromium (NO7718) and Nickel-Chromium-Aluminum-iron (NO7208) Nickel Alloys in Corrosive Media

Introduction Austenitic nickel-chromium (NO7718) and nickel-chromium-aluminum-iron (NO7208) alloys are wrought, gamma-prime strengthened and high-performance alloys with excellent attributes including good mechanical strength, resistance to thermal creep deformation, excellent surface stability, and very high resistance...

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Development and Validation of Rapid, Sensitive Rp-Uplc Method for Determination of Related Impurities in Dexrabeprazole Sodium

Introduction Dexrabeprazole sodium (DEX•Na) is R (+)-isomer of Rabeprazole, (2- [[[4-(3-methoxy propoxy)-3-methyl-2pyridinyl]-methyl] sulfinyl]1H-benzimidazole).1,2,3 It belongs to a class of anti-secretory compounds that exhibit neither anti cholinergic nor histamine H2 receptor antagonist properties. However, DEX•Na suppresses...

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Comparison of Iron Reduction Methods on the Determination of Antioxidants Content in Vegetables Sample

Introduction Lately, consumption of health supplements undergo a sharp increase as part of human awareness to improve their health. In general, these supplements are plant products believed to reduce the risk of a number...

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Standard Quality and Antibacterial Activity Tests of Clove Oil in Solid Soap Production Against Staphylococcus Aureus, Staphylococcus Epidermidis and Escherichia Coli

Introduction Solid soap is a skin cleanser made of saponification or neutralization process of fat, oil, wax, rosin or acid with organic or inorganic bases without causing irritation.1 The soap can be produced using...

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Preparation of N-TiO2/PbS Nanocomposite Using Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Method

Introduction Solar energy, a clean, non-polluting, safe, and unlimited energy, has been proposed to alternatively replace the nonrenewable energy sources, such as coal and oil.1 The availability of solar energy in the form of...

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HPLC Analysis of Chemical Composition of Selected Jordanian Medicinal Plants and Their Bioactive Properties

Introduction Huge developments in the pharmaceutical industries and chemistry are taking place nowadays, due to new findings in herbal medicine. Plants were used as the important sources of most drugs for eliminating pain and...

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Biopolymer Coated Coreshell Magnetite Nanoparticles for Rifampicin Delivery

Introduction Nanotechnology is currently trending and is being extensively researched due to their optical, magnetic, bioimaging,1 electrical properties2 and many more, obtained due to its large surface area to volume ratio. In this broad...

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A Correlation Study Between the Concentrations of Gold, Iron and Sulphate in Quartz Rock Samples Obtained from four Different Locations in Sudan

Introduction Gold is widely distributed throughout the world, normally in very low concentration and generally in native form as metal. It is shiny yellow, soft and chemically inert metal. Gold belongs to the group...

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Synthesis, Characterization and Herbicidal Activity of Amide Derivatives of Glyphosate

Introduction Agrochemicals have become global necessity to increase crop productivity in agricultural fields.1-5 Nowadays they play a pivotal role in controlling not only the pests and rodents but also many microbial infections.5-7 There are...

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Optimization of Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Fatty Hydroxamic Acids from Terminalia Catappa L. Kernel Oil

Introduction Hydroxamic acid (N-hydroxy carboxylic acid) is a derivative compound of nitrogen compound  that binds hydrogen in its hydroxilamine molecular with -CO-NH-OH (R = alkyl or aryl).1 Hydroxamic acid derivatives have received  much  attention...

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Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Based on Electronic Descriptors and Docking Studies of Quinazoline Derivatives for Anticancer Activity

Introduction Cancer is a diseases which have an uncontrolled and abnormal growth. There were 1.688.780 new cancer cases diagnosed in 2017 and about 600.920 of Americans die or equally 1.650 people per day. Lung...

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Synthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxic Activity of some new 1,2,3-Triazole, Oxadiazole and Aza- β-lactam Derivatives

Introduction A wide ranging of various heterocyclic compounds has been discovered to develop pharmaceutically essential molecule. Among them which have played a significant role in medical chemistry were oxadiazoles derivatives.1,2 Which has been commonly...

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Study of Potential Phenolic Compounds from Stems of Dendrophthoe Falcata (Loranthaceae) Plant as Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents

Introduction Loranthacea is a parasitic plant widely used in traditional Chinese medicine systems. One of this species is L. parasiticus which is known as Sang Ji Sheng (in Chinese), parasites (in Malay) and baso-Kisei...

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Calcareous Deposits and Effects on Steels Surfaces in Seawater – A Review and Experimental Study

Introduction The usefulness of seawater is multifarious especially in the areas of transportation, holding engineering infrastructures, telecommunications, and cooling reservoir in diverse manufacturing and engineering services and in military (naval) activities, water drinking through...

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Preparation and Characterization of Indium and Gallium doped Transparent ZnO Films for Solar Cell Applications

Introduction Solar cells consist of various materials, each performing a specific function which contributes to the overall efficiency of the solar cell. The Transparent Conducting Oxide/Film (TCO) is an important component of the solar...

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Chemical Structure of Kerogen of Shale Formations. (By the Example of the Shale Formations of the East European Platform)

Introduction Kerogen, which is the most important source of hydrocarbons, is one of the main objects of organic geochemistry. The term “kerogen” is understood to mean all OM of sedimentary rocks (oil shales and...

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Electronic Structure Mechanism of Axial Ligands on Itinerant Electrons and Negative Magnetoresistance in Axially-Ligated Iron(III) Phthalocyanine Molecular Conductors

Introduction Phthalocyanine (Pc) is a planar molecule composed of four circular N-linked isoindole rings forming a fully-conjugated 18 p-electron system – ideal structural and chemical characteristics as building blocks of functional materials. In recent...

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pH Dependence of Size Control in Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized at Room Temperature

Introduction Research on nanoparticles has been significantly increased during the past decade because their unique physical and chemical properties. Metal nanoparticles have a wide range of application, such as biotechnology, microelectronics, catalysis, and also...

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Enhancing the Light Harvesting Efficiency, open Circuit Voltage and Stability of Molybdenum Doped (Zno)6 Nanocluster in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A DFT Study

Introduction Nanostructured materials are currently of prodigious attention due to their reduced dimensions and are majorly take part in a large number of new devices. Among the renewable energy sources, solar energy is the...

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Effect of Shape and Size on Curie Temperature, Debye Frequency, Melting Entropy and Enthalpy of Nanosolids

Introduction The physico chemical properties of the nanosolids are a function of its shape and size. Nanoparticles with diameter varying from a few nanometers to several hundreds of nanometers are of great interest for...

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Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Permeation Through A Layered Inorganic Membrane

Introduction A lot of efforts to address problems in environment and industrial process rely on gas separation techniques. Methane and carbon dioxide gases have been a long-time subject of research interest due to their...

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In Vitro Cytotoxicity of the Synthesized Gallic Acid Derivatives (N-Alkyl Gallamide) Against Breast MCF-7 Cancer Cells

Introduction Breast cancer is a frequent diagnosed malignancy in females, and considerably the second most common human carcinoma in the world. In 2012, there were approximately 1.67 million of breast cancer cases which has...

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Newly Synthesized Oxadiazole Based Mannich Base Derivatives of Fatty Acid: In Silico Study and in Vivo Anti-Hyperglycaemic Estimation

Introduction Diabetes mellitus type 2, a chronic metabolic dysfunction describes a distinctive nature of fasting hyperglycaemia. The hyperglycaemia that leads to blooming complications is an outcome of deformation of various metabolic reaction of body....

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In vitro Antacid Screening of the Aqueous and Ethanolic Leaf Extracts of Ixora Coccinea (Linn). and Mimosa Pudica (Linn.)

Introduction Due to the high prevalence of peptic ulcer, there is an increasing demand for a new anti-ulcer drug. In the Philippines alone,  4,135  peptic ulcer cases were reported in 2007.1 Common antacid preparations that...

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An Innovative Application of Nano-Technology in the Production of Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Coatings of Crude Oil Tanks

Introduction Recently Nanotechnology application gained momentum, and environmental impact. Due to their extremely fine grain size and high grain boundary volume fraction Nano composites are known.1-4 Nano technology used in agricultural systems, biomedicine, environmental...

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Kinetics of Lycopene Degradation in Sunflower and Grape Seed Oils

Introduction Lycopene (ψ,ψ–carotene), the carotenoid responsible for the deep red color of ripe tomatoes and tomato products, is one of the most potent natural antioxidants.1 Chemically, lycopene is an acyclic tetraterpenic hydrocarbon with 13 C–C...

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Inhibitory Reactivity of Capsaicin with α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase Related to Antidiabetes using Molecular Docking and Quantum Calculation Methods

Introduction Nowadays, diabetes is known as the most dangerous disease killing more people than cancer and AIDS combined. Actually, it is said to be a modern disease, and has traditionally been viewed as a...

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Vibrational Spectra of Ozone (O3) Using Lie Algebraic Method

Introduction In 1981, Iachello presented Lie algebraic framework to molecular spectra of small molecules.1,2 This framework based on Schrodinger equation with a Morse potential function and described ro-vibration spectra of diatomic molecules.3,4 Later this method was...

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Characterizing Crystalline Chromium Oxide Thin Film Growth by Sol-gel Method on Glass Substrates

Introduction Alkali transition metal oxides have been attracted great attention due to their scientific and technological importance.1-3 Among these oxides, chromium oxide exhibits an interesting type of magnetic ordering which has been studied by...

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The Synthesis and Evaluation of Vanillin Derivatives as the Fruit fly Attractant

Introduction The post-harvest treatment of fruits to control fruit flies attack usually involve the use of synthetic pesticides. The most frequent and damaging fruits flies for fruit harvest in Indonesia is Bactrocera spp (Diptera:...

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Biosorption of Cu (II) Metal Ions in Fixed Column by using Coconut Husk Waste

Introduction The current rapid industrial development has caused pollution effects on the environment. The activities of metal coating industry have resulted in the increasing of heavy metals level in the water because the waste...

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Acoustic Properties of Sound Absorber from Modified Polyester with Filler Sodium Bicarbonate

Introduction The utilization of polymer material as a sound absorber has been an option and commercially valuable. In field application, a thermoset resin material such as polyester is not recommended for a sound absorber material due...

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An Efficient Electrochemical Approach for Characterization of the Interface Strength of Nano Titania-Silica (TS) Composite Coating on Titanium Implants

Introduction The magnitude of molecular and cellular events at the tissue-implant interface are controlled by the bioactivity and topography of the biomaterial surface.1 Bioactive nano-structured coatings applied on an orthopaedic implant can mimics the properties...

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Studies on Photophysical Properties of Mono-Carbonyl Curcumin Analogues: Experimental and Theoretical Approach

Introduction The golden spice curcumin is a hydrophobic natural product present in turmeric, a yellow active component isolated from plant curcuma longa L,1-3 which has been used for ages as a spice, cosmetics and...

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Relationship between MODIS-based Aerosol Optical Depth and PM10 over Sumatra to Overcome the Limitations of Air Quality Monitoring Data Availability

Introduction Particulate matter (PM) is currently a major air quality issue that substantially influences the climate,1 the environment2 and human health.3,4 In situ observations of PM concentrations are therefore necessary to link air pollutants...

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Variations in Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants in Hisar Arun (Local) and Kashi Vishesh (Hybrid) Cultivars of Tomato Fruits Treated with H2O2 During Storage Periods

Introduction Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) belongs to a night shade family which is an adaptable vegetable and considered to be extensively consumed produce (Ahmed et al., 2012).1 On one hand, tomato fruits are consumed in...

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CuO Coated Electrochemically Generated Textile Wastewater Sludge and CuO Coated GAC as Potential Nano-Adsorbents for Color Removal from Real Textile Wastewater

Introduction Nanomaterials and its application in wastewater treatment is widely used for has gained accelerated clean water reclamation. Materials at nano scale, often possess novel size-dependent properties different from their large counterparts2 and with...

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Estimation of Lattice Constants and Band Gaps of Group-III Nitrides Using Local and Semi Local Functionals

Introduction Group III- nitride semiconducting materials form the host material system for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices working in wide spectrum from infrared region to ultraviolet region.1-3  Alloying the other group III or V...

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Synthesis and Characterization of Benzimidazole by Using o-Phenylenediamine with Different Aldehydes and Carboxylic Acids in the Presence of ρ-TSOH as a Catalyst

Introduction Benzimidazole is one of the heterocyclic compounds that shows different biological qualities such as antibacterial and antifungal.1 Also, some Benzimidazoles have an effect on human viruses such as cytomegalovirus.2 There are two procedures...

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Preparation and Conductivity of La9.33 Si6O26 (LSO) – Ce0.85Gd0.15O1.925 (CGO15) Composite Based Electrolyte for IT-SOFC

Introduction One of the causes of energy crisis is due to the high usage of fossil fuel as energy source for various human activities. Fuel cell is an alternative technology not to only produce...

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Estimation of preptin in serum of Thyroid Dysfunction Patients and its Relationship with other Parameters

Introduction Disorder of thyroid gland can be classified into: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In hypothyroidism   mention to the usual pathological condition of TH inadequacy. If untreated, it can lead to significant contrary health impact and...

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Microwave Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Chromene Derivatives

Introduction Eco-friendly synthetic procedure is a novel and promptly developing methods of medicinal chemistry. It’s very fast growing importance is used for medicinal chemistry research fields because these methods are constructed avoid the chemical...

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Electrochemical Trifluoromethylation of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide Using Cyclic Voltammetry and Galvanostatic Electrolysis

Introduction Organofluorine compounds have distinctive chemical, physical and biological properties. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the chemistry of organofluorine compounds, which find applications in a wide variety of fields such as material...

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GC-Mas Analysis and Estimation of Pomegranate Husks Extracts and Study the Biological Efficacy of Compound Tri-Butyl Acetyl Citrate as one of the Extracts Against Food Fungi

Introduction Pomegranate Scientific name Punica granatuml. It belongs to the  Punicaceae family which contains one genus and two species P.proto-punica Balf is a small spread on the island of Socotra in the Republic of...

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Solid Dispersion of Usnic Acid–HPMC 2910 Prepared by Spray Drying and Freeze Drying Techniques

Introduction Usnic acid is a second metabolite of Usnea sp, which is a dibenzofuran derivate. Since the first isolation in 1844, usnic acid has become the most extensively studied and commercially available lichen metabolite1....

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Excess Molar Quantities of Binary Mixture of Dipropyl Amine with Aliphatic Alcohols at 298.15 K

Introduction The familiarity of the excess parameters of organic liquid blends is salutary in industrial enforcements and is highly significant for understanding the molecular interactions between the components this as well assist to develop...

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Preparation and Characterization of Chloride-free Alumina-Supported Platinum Catalysts

Introduction Organometallic compounds are widely used as catalyst precursor.1,2 A combination of impregnation of the support with a solution containing the appropriate organometallic species and heat treatment can yield metal and/or metal oxide particles uniformly...

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Structural and Magnetic Investigations of Silica Coated Cobalt- Ferrite Nanocomposites

Introduction Nanostructure materials because of their small size, high surface to volume ratio and quantum confinement have attracted considerable attention as compared to their bulk  materials.1,2 The synthesis of new nanostructure materials are of...

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Thermodynamics of Ion Exchange Reaction in Predicting the Ionic Selectivity Behavior of UV Radiation Degraded Nuclear Grade and Non-Nuclear Grade Resins

Introduction Ion exchange is a process in which the mobile ions from external solutions were exchange with the ions that are bound to different functional groups in the resins if the resin containing positively...

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Adsorption of Phenol and Methylene Blue in Solution by Oil Palm Shell Activated Carbon Prepared by Chemical Activation

Introduction The industrial development and the use of synthetic inorganic and organic compounds for various purposes have a negative impact that is contamination of surface water resources and ground water resources.1 Organic pollutants that...

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Synthetic and Study the Chelating Activity of Some Polymers Containing Heterocyclic Rings Which Derivative from 1,2,4- Trizol Levofloxacin Acid

Introduction Micro-organisms has reached on alarming level around the world, and the synthesis of new anti-infective compounds has become an urgent need for the treatment of microbial infections. The1,2,4-triazole nucleus has been incorporated into...

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Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Carbamate Derivatives of Isatin

Introduction Isatin (2,3-indolinendione), is a heterocyclic compound of significant importance in medicinal chemistry. The keto group at position 2 and particularly at position 3 can enter into addition reactions at the C-O bond and...

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Applications of Computer-Aided Approaches to Determine Urease Inhibitory Activities of Flavonoids Analogous

Introduction Since the early 1900s, various studies of flavonoid compounds have been conducted. Flavonoid compounds are a large class of compounds originally derived from plants, all of which share a similar chemical structure based...

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Synthesis, Characterization, Fluorescence, Electrochemical, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic studies of Cobalt (II), Nickel (II) and Copper(II) complexes with N-4-Methylphenyl (2,4-dihydroxy acetophenylideneimine)

Introduction The metal complexes with azo linkage have been explored remarkably during the last few decades.1-3  Biological resemblance of Schiff bases is due to the structural resemblance of peptide bonds in protein.4 Such type...

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Anticancer Activity of Graphene Oxide/5-FU on CT26 Ds-Red Adenocarcinoma Cell Line

Introduction Cancer is one of the health-threatening diseases. In 2015, about 90.5 million people were affected by cancer.1 About 14.1 million new cases occur a year and it causes about 8.8 million deaths (15.7% of deaths).2 Fluorouracil (5-FU),...

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Responses of Oryza sativa L.Towards Azo Functionalised Schiff Base Cu(II) Complexes and CuSO4: A Comparative Biochemical Study

Introduction Copper having the most stable oxidation state of +2, is one of the important redox active transition metal for plants.1 The optimum content of Cu2 + in plant tissue is around 10µg g-1 dry weight...

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High Molecular Weight Poly(Lactic Acid) Synthesized With Apposite Catalytic Combination and Longer Time

Introduction In the recent years research attention is shifted on the synthesis and application of biodegradable polymers, which find use in agriculture in the formulation of controlled release fertilizers1 and in increasing the water...

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Facile Method to Synthesize of N-Graphene Nano Sheets

Introduction Recently, graphene has been a widely material to develope andfascinate to research by various fields of science namelyphysics, chemistry, biology and material engineering. Basically, graphene is a carbon allotropy that becomes the basic...

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Detection, Characterisation and Determination of Indoor Organic Air Pollutant and fine Particles Produced by Laser Printers

Introduction Nowadays, air pollution is one of the largest environmental problem because of the air quality importance for human health. Human daily air consumption is around 3 times of water and 16 times of...

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Laccase from Lentinus Polychrous Increases the Efficiency of Cellulose Hydrolysis of Rice Straw to Glucose

Introduction Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising source for production of alternative fuels such as ethanol which can help to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels.  In addition, it can be transformed to a wide...

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A New Lignan Derivative, Lasiocarpone, from the Stembark of Chisocheton lasiocarpus (Meliaceae)

Introduction The Chisocheton plant genera as a second largest plant of Meliaceae family, consisting of 50 plants and widely distributed in the tropics. Previous phytochemical studies of this genera have produced some compounds with...

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Studying the Mineral Additives Effect on A Composition and Properties of A Composite Binding Agent

Introduction Cement industry is a basic branch of the building complex. To raise the efficiency of the cement industry it is necessary to increase output of mixed cements, to use more widely various industrial...

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Studies of Distorted Octahedral Complexes of Cobalt, Nickel and Copper and Their Antibacterial Properties

Introduction The thiosemicorbazide and derivatives has broad spectrum of applications in various fields. In biological field they may be used as fungicides, insecticides, algaecides, plant growth regulators, enzymatic aldolisation catalyst, antiviral antibiotic agents etc.1-6...

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Studies on Precision and Accuracy in Microdetermination of Transition Metals Using Ternary Complex EAB-CTAB-Metals

Introduction The property of formation of colored complexes has successfully applied for the spectrophotometric estimation of metal ions since last few decades. The addition of long chain quaternary salts to the deeply colored solution...

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A Study of the Effects of Waste Egg and Shrimp Shells on the Toxicity Immobilisation of Chemicals

 Introduction Global environmental concerns are growing intensely with such a sharp decline in natural resources, pollution, and climate change. Moreover, with the continuous increase in world population1 has caused serious resource scarcity such as...

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Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Mixed Ligand, Cobalt (II), Nickel (II), Manganese (II) Complexes of Tertiary Diphosphines with Dithizone (H2dz)

Introduction Extensive study of metal complexes as chemotherapeutic and drug agents is widely related to employment of cisplatin as an anticancer drug a above thirty years ago.1 But all the cisplatin is suffering from...

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