ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039

About: chem-xpert

Oxomanganese (II)-Arsine Oxide Complexes from o-R2AsC6H4CO2H Ligands: Role of Inductive Effect and Reaction Conditions in Stabilizing Manganese (II)-Arsine Complexes

Introduction Complexation of organoarsinic ligand with a wide range of transition metal ions continues to play a vital role in the synthesis and application of organometallic chemistry.1 However, the binding of organoarsinic ligand via...

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A Comparative Study of Different Types of Thyme Essential Oils Against Streptococcus Pyogenes to Determine their Biochemical and Antimicrobial Properties.

Introduction Essential oils produced by plants are used as an ethical medicine for colds by ancient traditional method for respiratory tract infections1-2. In the medicinal field, acute and chronic bronchitis are treated by inhalation...

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Synthesis of Weinreb and their Derivatives (A Review)

Introduction N-methoxy-N-methylamides or Weinreb amides become a worthy synthetic precursor in organic synthesis1.The first synthesis of Weinreb moiety was reported in 19812which performed via treatment of N,O-dimethyl hydroxylamine with AlMe3 as a coupling reagent....

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Generation of Near-UV Absorption Band at Extremely Alkaline Ph in Colloidal Coffee

Introduction Coffee is one of the most consumed beverage around the world [1].Its primary constituent is caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system [2] and is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive substance that...

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Synergistic Effect of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Galanga (Alpinia galanga) Powder and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)) Essential Oil as Natural Preservative in Chilled Storage of White Hard Clam (Meretrix lyrata)

Introduction Extracts from plants and herbs containing bioactive compounds have shown remarkable antioxidant and antimicrobial activities1.Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the most useful herbal medicinal plants with a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities...

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Effect of Diethyl Carbonate as Additive to Waste Plastic Oil on Performance and Emission of a Diesel Engine

Introduction Technically products like coal, alcohols, gas oil, heavy oil, diesel, petrol etc., are used as fuels. However, petroleum products such as diesel and gasoline are being used as fuels for internal combustion engines...

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Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic, Flavonoid and Antioxidant Compounds from Dodonaea Viscose and its Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Aqueous Extract

Introduction Sonochemistry may be utilized in different food processing [1–3], conservation [4], removal of pesticides [5,6], extraction of different compounds [7], microencapsulated food [8], innovative foods [9], and preparation of ferrite nanoparticles [10]. The...

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Synthesis, Properties and Biological Effectiveness of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Via Calcinations Method

Introduction Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) are the inorganic compound, non-toxicity and can also easily be prepared in the laboratory. The existence of amorphous iron oxide (Fe2O3) and four polymorphs alpha, beta, gamma and epsilon is well established....

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Efficient Electrochemical Removal of Ammonium in Wastewater Using Various Cathodes and A Ti/IrO2 Anode

Introduction Water pollution by nutrients is a historical and ever-growing concern in developed and developing countries alike. The ammonium in the water was usually generated from a process of incomplete degradation of organic matter....

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Characterization and TiO2- Catalyzed Degradation of Polyurethane Biopolymer through Medium Pro Compost

Introduction The development of the polymer industry, individually polyurethane (Pu) grows so fast, and every year its production continues to increase, given its many advantages and quite practical in its use 1. Along with...

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TiO2NPs Embedded in Chitosan Membrane for Efficient Photodegradation of Various Dyes

Introduction One of the greatest problems facing the world today is environmental pollution. With every passing year, this problem is multiplying and resulting in serious and permanent damage to the earth’s environment. There are...

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Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Deposition on Carbon Vulcan for 4-Nitrophenol Reduction Catalysis

Introduction Nitroaromatic compounds, such as nitrobenzenes and nitrophenols, are abundant and chemically stable organic pollutants in agriculture and in the industry 1. Among different strategies for the disposal of nitroaromatic compounds, reducing the nitro...

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Removal of Chromium Ions from Tannery Wastewater using Cactus Powder

Introduction As it is known, the leather industry consumes large quantities of water. Large amounts of different types of chemical compounds utilized in leather manufacturing processes are not completely fixed or exhausted by the...

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Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Membrane Stability of three Unani Medicines Preparation in Bangladesh

Introduction Thousands of years ago from the history of human evaluation the use of medicinal plants by human beings to treat diverse diseases1. From the early stage of human civilization, natural products and medicinal...

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Simultaneous Estimation of Gallic Acid and Embelin by Validated HPTLC Method in Three Marketed Formulations and in-House Formulated Manibhadra Yoga: A Polyherbal Ayurvedic Formulation

Introduction Ayurveda is a time-tested, trusted worldwide plant based oldest system of medicine which is gradually developed with the time through daily life experiences with the mutual relationship between mankind and nature 1 and...

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Theoretical Prediction of Lipophilicity for Some Drugs Compounds

Introduction Theoretical calculations have particularly succeeded for ionization potential(1), molecular docking approaches(2, 3)and metabolite of antipyrine(4).The lipophilicity is measured by the log P, which represents the equilibriumbetween a polar (aqueous) phase and apolar phase...

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Effect of Alkaline Pretreatment on the Properties of Nigerian Castor Seed (Ricinus communis L.) Oil and Biodiesel Produced Thereof

Introduction The growing interest in finding new, viable and sustainable alternatives to petro diesel, which is associated with rapid rise in price, projected decrease in supplies and environmental consequences has drawn the attention of...

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Antiulcerogenic Activity of Eight Chromatographic Fractions of Ethyl Acetate Leaf Extracts of Securidaca Longepedunculata Fres. (Polygalaceae) and Luffa Cylindrica (l.) Roem. (Cucurbitaceae)

Introduction Peptic ulcers are deep gastrointestinal erosion disorder that involves the entire mucosal thickness, penetrating the muscular mucosa 1,2. Peptic ulcers represent one of the most important diseases of the digestive system and a...

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Optical Parameters of Amorphous Ge-Te-Se Films from Ellipsometric Measurements

Introduction Chalcogenide semiconducting glasses have an interesting optical properties. These properties include high linear, nonlinear refractive index, broad infrared transparency and low photon energies [1]. Accordingly, many technological applications emerges, including data storage, fiber...

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Tetraethyllead (TEL) in Gasoline as a Case of Contentious Science and Delayed Regulation: A Short Review

Introduction For nearly 75 years mankind had been subjected to the harmful effects of lead, generated from automobile fuels.1 Tetraethyllead was the chief antiknock agent used in gasoline for the major part of the...

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Isolation of Secondary Metabolites from Ipomea Digitata L. Tuber Extracts and it’s Effect on Cardiovascular Risk Parameters

Introduction It is very common fact that in contemporary time, people are moving towards herbalism. As we know, drugs which are of synthetic origin, shows some adverse effect on our body. In order to...

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Ionic Strength Effect on Green Malachite Adsorption onto Moroccan Montmorillonite Clay: Experimental Study and Theoretical Investigation

Introduction The increasing use of organic dyes endangers the environment and poses health problems for humans and aquatic animals. Consequently, the risk of pollution increases if the depollution processes do not follow the rhythm...

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A Comparative Study of Iron Removal Efficiency by Precipitation Method and Deferrization Unit of DAN DADJI-Illéla Drilling.

Introduction With an ever-increasing population and increasing demographic pressure, Niger faces surface water scarcity as in most arid climate developing countries. To meet the water needs of the population, the Niger Republic government has...

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Evaluation of Fatty Acid Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Eight Medicinal Plants from Kashmir

Introduction Abrus precatorius Linn., Amaranthus virdis Linn., Bunium persicum Boiss., Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. Ex Griseb., Malva neglecta Wall., Podophylum hexandrum Royle., Robina  pseudoacacia Linn. and Teraxacum officinale Weber are indigenous plants in Kashmir with...

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Metal Complexes of Hybrid Oxygen- Arsenic Ligands-VII IR, Reflectance and EPR Spectral Studies of Oxo-manganese (II)-Arsine Complexes Using Ligands from o-R2AsC6H4CO2H

Introduction Transition metal complexes with organic ligands are of great interest of researchers since the discovery of first such complex compound of Ni(II) with azabenzene ligand in early 1960s.1 Since then a wide variety...

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Correlation between Dynamic Viscosity and Temperature for Vegetable Oil

Introduction Alternative equations of two constant, three constant and multi-constant forms were proposed by some researchers to describe the dependence of dynamic viscosity of liquids on temperature. Simple form of two constant was proposed...

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Determination of Antioxidant Properties and Antimicrobial Activity of Vinyl Phenolic Compounds Extracted from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Against Uropathogenic Bacteria

Introduction The major objective of this work is to determine the vinyl  phenolic compounds with antioxidant properties of this yeast by acetone and methanol extracts of S. cerevisiae and determine the antimicrobial activity.1,2,3,4 The  HPLC-UV...

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Immune Recognition of Closed and Open Lactam Rings and their Influence on Immunoassays of Ampicillin Antibiotics

Introduction Beta-lactam antibiotics play an important role in the treatment of human infections. [1] The first beta-lactam antibiotic applied for human diseases treatment was Penicillin G in 1940s but in 1944 the information about...

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The Potential of Delonix Regia Pods Powder and Biochar for Remediating Contaminated Soils: A Comparative Study

Introduction Globally, there is increasingly more cases of soil contamination in recent years as a result of the release of harmful organic and inorganic substances to soils in waste discharge from mining activities, industrial...

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A Review Article on Pharmaceutical Analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry According to Pharmacopoeias

Introduction The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most regulated industries worldwide because the drugs produced must be safe and effective. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that raw materials are tested before...

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Studies on Some of the Improvised Energetic Materials (IEMs): Detonation, Blast Impulse and TNT Equivalence Parameters

Introduction Peace in the world is disrupted in the name of religion, hatred, animosity, struggle for power, poverty, prosperity, economic aggression, political gains etc. The biggest threat to peace and co-existence is terrorism. Terrorism...

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Development of Stability Indicating, Validated Liquid Chromatographic Method for Estimation of Sarecycline in its Formulations

Introduction The drug used in the present study is Sarecycline Hydrochloride, Chemically (4S,4aS,5aR,12aR)-4-(Dimethylamino)-1,10,11,12a-tetrahydroxy-7-[[methoxy(methyl)amino]methyl]-3,12-dioxo-4a,5,5a,6-tetrahydro-4H-tetracene-2-carboxamide and the structure was shown in Fig.1. It inhibits protein synthesis and other biosynthetic activities and shows anti-inflammatory action [1]. Sarecycline...

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Synthesis, Characterization, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Novel β-Diketone Complex

Introduction Transition elements plays an important role in the formation of chemical complex of co-ordination chemistry. Massive literature is available on the application of complexes. (βd) and it’s metal complexes play an important role...

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Synergetic Performance of Graphene Oxide and Chitosan on the Removal of Direct Red 7

Introduction The tremendous development of the world-wide production of industries and the discharge of their waste are considered as the two faces of a coin. Azo dyes contain one or more azo (-N=N-) and...

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Phytochemical Study and Antimicrobial Activity of Two Medicinal Plants from Al-Baha Region

Introduction Medicinal plants contain most ingredients in local medicines and most of Western prepared medicines comprise one or additional ingredients of plant origin [1]. Medicinal plants were used in folk medicine in various civilizations...

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Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Isotherm Studies for the removal of Acid Red 88 from Aqueous Medium by Polyaniline-CuCl2 Composite

Introduction Water is a life saving compound which is vital for all living plants and animals. The use of water has increased many folds due to development of technology and population explosion which causes...

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Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Sonicated Method Using Pulicha Indeca Stem Extract: Characterization and Study of Antibacterial Activity, Anticancer Activity and Cell Viability Test

Introduction Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely applicable in pharmaceuticals, health care industrial and consumer care etc. due to their specific physical and chemical features(1-3), Owing to specific features of silver nanoparticles, they are used...

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Evaluation of the Effects of Salts on the Functional Properties of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata) Seed Flour

Introduction Adansonia digitata is popularly referred to as Baobab; it belongs to the family, Bombacaceae, and a member of Malvaceae sub-family of which there are about 44 species already reported in literature. The tree...

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Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory properties of Juglans Regia Leaves

Introduction Herbal medicine was and still one of the leading contributions in the treatment of different disease. Many plants were considered as important element in traditional medicine. Last decades, the scientific attention increased to...

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Heavy Metals Contamination of an Aquatic Environment and Health Risks Assessment in Two Fish Species: Case of the Guessabo Lake, Western Côte d’Ivoire

Introduction The aquatic environment and water quality are considered to be the determining factor in the health and life of all organisms.1 With the current mode of free disposal of agricultural products, industrial, the flow...

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Synthesis and Spectral Characterization of Verdantiol Schiff Base with GC-MS for Synthetic Ingredients in Fragrances Industry

Introduction Personal care products such as soap, toothpaste, cosmetics, shamphoo and perfumes contain fragrances.1 Fragrance is a mixture of several chemical compounds which specifically produce aroma compounds.2,3,4,5 Fragrance material usually contains synthetic aroma compounds...

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Adsorption of Lead (Ii) Ions by Ecofriendly Copper Oxide Nanoparticles

Introduction Now a day’s an increase in industrial globalization produces a number of pollutant into the environment.  Heavy metals are the major inorganic water pollutants in the world due to the high toxicity on...

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Mixed Ligand Complexes of Copper(II) and Cobalt(II) with Hydrazones Derivatives and ortho-Vanillin: Syntheses, Characterizations and Antimicrobial Activity

Introduction Transition coordination compounds containing hydrazones as ligands is still important field of investigation because of its interesting structural features and their biological significance1,2. Hydrazones are important ligands, which played a significant role in...

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Estimation of Mercury in Soil, Water and Plants Spectrophotometrically

Introduction Mercury is one of the most toxic elements and is associated with many health problems, include, instantaneous neurological damages particularly irritability, paralysis, insanity, blindness, chromosome damage and birth defects [1]. It is found...

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Facile Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activities of Novel 6-AminoTriazolo-Thiadiazoles Integrated with Benzofuran and Pyrazole Moieties

Introduction In recent years, fused heterocycles with three hetero atoms in five membered aromatic structures such as 1,2,4-triazoles and thiadiazoles sizable devotion owing to synthetic and remarkable pharmacological activities. The amino triazolo-thiadiazole system considered...

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Acids and Anions Effects on the Distrubution of Cadmium Between Buffered Aqeuous Phases and 4,4´-(1e,1e´)-1,1´-(Ethane-1,2-Diylbis (Azan-1-Yl-1ylidene)) Bis(5-Methyl-2-Phenyl-2,3-Dihydro-1h-Pyrazol-3-Ol) Solutions

Introduction There are numerous literature and ongoing researches on removal of heavy metals from different environments due to reported deleterious health effects associated with these heavy metals [1-3]. One method that has given very...

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Chemical Analysis (GC-FID-MS) and Antimicrobial Activity of Parmotrema perlatum Essential Oil Against Clinical Specimens

Introduction Parmotrema perlatum is commonly known as black stone flower or kalpasi, is a species of lichen used as a spice in India1. This spice has the potential to be an effective antimicrobial therapy...

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Phytochemical Content and Antioxidant Activity in Wild Grape (Ampelocissus martini Planch.) Root Extracts

Introduction Free radicals are occurred in life body whose using oxygen by metabolism, especially, a reactive oxygen species (ROS)1, 2. They confer both advantages and disadvantages depending on their concentration in the living organism....

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A Comparative Study of the Chemical Composition of the Extracts from Leaves, Stem Bark, and Root Bark of Cassia sieberiana: Antibacterial Activities

Introduction Plants are a major source of compounds. The great diversity of structures of these compounds with a wide variety of biological activities is attributed to secondary metabolites. Today, they play a decisive role...

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The Superiority of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Over Steam Distillation and Solvent Extraction Methods for the Extraction of Aroma from Salacca Zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss

Introduction Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss is also known as salak fruit or “snake fruit” due to the appearance of the fruit’s skin which resembles the structure and color of snake’s skin.  It is a...

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Studies on Simulation of Spectra of Some Organic Compounds

Introduction One of the key objectives of organic, medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry is to develop, design and synthesize new compounds that possess properties which have potent therapeutic values. There is a vital need for...

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Antibacterial Activity of Pseudoelephantopus spicatus (Juss) Rohr Extracts from the West Sub-catchment of Mt. Isarog Natural Park

Introduction The development and emergent of infectious diseases is relatively alarming nowadays. Different pharmacological industries have produced a number of new antibiotics in the past years but still resistance of microorganisms to these drugs...

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Influence of Pressure and Thermal Parameters on Stresses Analysis of Pressurized and Cracked Pipes

Introduction Pipelines represent the lifelines of the global petroleum industry due to its significant in oil and natural gas transmission from production sites to refineries, power station and markets, across nations, oceans and continents....

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Simultaneous Immunochromatographic Assay of Several Antibiotics: Modulation of Detection Limits and Working Ranges

Introduction Currently, a highly demanded analytical task is the identification and assessment of the content of antibiotics for both monitoring the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and assessing the safety of food products of animal...

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Docking of Some Bioactive 2-Chloro-N, N-Diphenylacetamide Derivatives on Cyclo-Oxygenase Enzyme and In-Vivo Analgesic Activity Evaluation

Introduction Cyclooxygenase-1 and Cyclooxygenase-2, in combination called COX enzymes, directly exert effect on Prostaglandins synthesis. Prostaglandins and associated products are produced in very small amounts majorly responsible for pain, inflammation etc. The circulation of...

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Recent Developments in Weinreb Synthesis and their Applications

Introduction N-methoxy-N-methylamides or Weinreb amides become a worthy synthetic precursor in organic synthesis.1 The first synthesis of Weinreb moiety was reported in 1981.2 This reaction called Weinreb amidation, included preparation of N-methoxyl-N-methyl amides from...

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Solvent Free Green Protocol for the Synthesis of Anti-Bacterial Schiff Base Dimers

Introduction The chemistry to design dimer molecules for the discovery and development of new drugs or leads for the drugs is proved to be a straightforward and efficient strategy. There are numerous proteins which...

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Quantitative Conductometric Determination of Sitagliptin, Linagliptin, Vildagliptin and Alogliptin by Applying the Concept of Drug-Metal Ion Interaction

Introduction Sitagliptin, linagliptin, vildagliptin and alogliptin (Fig. 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D) belong to a new class of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors, which are prescribed to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2...

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Biological Potential of Semi-Purified Enterocin of Enterococcus Sp. Yt3 Against Selected Food Pathogens

Introduction Bacteriocins are the ribosomally synthesized anti-microbial peptides produce of some bacteria and are known to act against closely related microbes. Owing to such valuable biological potential, research has been focussed to isolate and...

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Rapid Identification of Anthocyanin in Ficus Aurata Fruits by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Approach

Introduction Anthocyanin is a class of phenolic compounds that cause certain colors (blue, purple and red) in natural products1,2. Since the few last decades, there have been an increasing attention in anthocyanins research due...

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Development of Microfluidic Technology for the Extraction of Ions from Some Dye Samples for Pretreatment Prior Analysis

Introduction The growing demand for water and the complication of water pollution are for both the quantity and quality of all type of water including surface water and groundwater. This is becoming a major...

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Evaluation of wheat bran as a biosorbent for potential mitigation of dye pollution in industrial waste waters

Introduction Dyes are colored compounds, containing a chromophoric (credited for imparting color) and the auxochrome (credited for color intensity) group 1 but chemical based conventional dyes are recalcitrant and long period persistent molecules that...

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The Use of Salacca Zalacca Extract as Reducing Agent to Synthesize Silver Nanoparticles (Agnps) and the Antibacterial Activities

Introduction Nanotechnology developes verry fast mainly in the field of biotechnology in the last few decades.1 The research on nanoparticle brings important aspects due to of its countless applications. The applications of nanoparticle in...

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Theoretical Study for the [2+2] Cycloaddition Reaction Mechanism of Ketenes and their Derivatives

Introduction One of the earliest ketenes applications in the synthesis of natural products employed the [2+2] cycloaddition reactions. 1 Cyclobutanones are considered a powerful synthetic intermediates involved in processes such as vicinal and geminal...

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Crystal and Molecular Structure of Platinum(II) Complex with Bis(Diphenyl Phosphino)Methane

Introduction Phosphine ligands have been intensively used in coordination chemistry because of their electron releasing capacity1. The phosphine ligands can be organized based on the type of substituents bonded to the phosphorus atom2. Trivalent...

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Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Catalyst for the Oxidation of Methanol

Introduction Different rare-earth oxides have different nanostructures and different applications and studies report that their chemical characterization arises from their 4f electrons [1-5]. Compared with the other nanostructured lanthanide oxides, Cerium Oxide nanocrystals have...

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Isolation and Characterization Montmorillonite Nanoparticles of Aceh Tamiang Bentonite as Patchouli oil Bleaching

Introduction Patchouli oil is a volatile oil and widely used in industry as flavor concentrates. The markets value of patchouli oil is largely but it’s determined by the quality of the oil and the...

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Thermodynamic Studies of the Removal of Lead from Synthetic Wastewater Using Cyperus Rotundus

Introduction Heavy metals are most important pollutants and its presence in wastewaters can be the striking environmental issue,after all, dissolved toxic metal ions can finally enter the food chain and thus become for human...

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Catalytically Active Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized using Diabetic Sugar Via Rapid, Simple, Greener Process

Introduction Several studies have been carried out to explore the highly potential Au nanoparticles as catalyst1. Au nanoparticles are often combined with other materials to improve stability and performance as a catalyst. Previous studies...

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Some Topological Indices and their Polynomials of Graphene

Introduction Graphene is a nanomaterial. Recently Rajesh kanna and his students computed some of the  topological indices of Graphene1,2. In this article, we have computed third Zagreb index, first Zagreb polynomial, second Zagreb polynomial,...

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Effect of Modified Kiln Dust and a Cationic Surfactant on the Removal of Aromatic and Heavy Metal Compounds from Fuels

Introduction Adsorption is a physicochemical treatment process for oil that is gaining prominence as a means to produce quality effluents. The adsorption of substrates is the first stage in many catalytic processes[1-4]. The stability...

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Complex of Tris(Phenanthroline)Cobalt(II)Trifluoroacetate: Characterisation and Powder XRD Analysis

Introduction Crystal structure of tris-bidentate-cobalt(II) complexes have been well known, particularly those with N-donor atoms in six-membered ring system, bipyridine (bipy)1,2, and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen)3. Structural studies through single crystal XRD analyses of tris(phen)cobalt(II) with...

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Influence of Ethanol as Gasoline Blend on Spark Ignition Engine

Introduction Supported innovative work has been led on alternative fuels so as to enhance the sustainability and manageability of energy supplies furthermore, to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. It is realized that petroleum based fuels...

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Pollution Source Identification of Halda River Water Using Field Observation, Laboratory Analysis and GIS Technique

Introduction Among  the 700 rivers flowing over Bangladesh, Halda is unique for carp breeding [1]. Every year fish eggs of different carps are collected from this river from April to June. Carps such as...

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Chlorinated Phenols Sorption Performance by Macadamia Activated Carbon and Grafted Macadamia Activated Carbon: Characterization, Kinetics, and Thermodynamic studies

Introduction Phenols and chlorinated phenol derivatives are injurious constituents present in the water system [1]. These compounds are utilized in several industrial activities for the manufacture of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and synthetic products [1,2]....

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Electronic Structure and Spectral Study of Some Five Coordinate Complexes of Copper (II)

Introduction The well known story of blue proteins which have been extensively explored due to their involvement in oxygen and electron transfer in physiological reactions, is well documented 1-2. Metal ions are electron deficient...

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One-Step Synthesis of Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles with the Aid Extract from Wuluh Starfruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) Fruit as Reducing and Morphology Controlling Agent

Introduction Metal nanoparticles exhibit superior properties like optical, mechanical, and chemical reactivity, hence they could be potential in many fields, including pharmacy, biology, medical, agricultural, physics and environment. Many reports prove that gold and...

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Study of Heavy Metals Concentration in Sewage Water of Different Areas Around Bikaner City

Introduction The lack of quality freshwater resources, many countries in the arid and semi-arid regions use marginal quality water for irrigation. The sewage water is being used for irrigation because it is very rich...

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Antioxidant Activity of the Sea Grape (Caulerpa Racemasa) as a Lotion

Introduction One of the seaweed type in Indonesia that is quite promising is Caulerpa racemosa or sea grape. Caulerpa racemosa production is 10.3 million tons per year and increases every year.1 This species in...

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Analgesic and Anxiolytic Activities of Achillea Biebersteinii: Evidence for the Involvement of GABAergic Systems

Introduction Disorders of depression and anxiety are considered the most common psychiatric and behavioral problems.1 World Health Organization (WHO) reports show that the number of people suffering from anxiety disorders worldwide reaches 400 million.2...

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Micro-Nutrient Contents of Some Fresh Water Fish Species of Manipur, India

Introduction Fish has been an important food item of the people of this region since time immemorial. Fish meat has received increased attention as a potential source of animal protein and essential nutrients for...

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The Activity of D-Limonene from Sweet Orange Peel (Citrus Sinensis L.) Exctract as a Natural Insecticide Controller of Bedbugs (Cimex cimicidae)

Introduction Bedbug (Cimex cimicidae) is a human blood-sucking extoparasite found in subtropical and tropical countries. The problem of bedbugs found in many homes, theaters, and hotels in the late 1970s. The bedbugs were controlled...

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The use of Silica Supported Nickel-Copper Oxide Catalyst for Photodegradation of Methylene Blue

Introduction Textile industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Indonesia.1 The rapid development of the textile industry poses a problem for the environment, especially the problem caused by textile dyeing liquid waste....

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Synthesis of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate as an Adsorbent for Different Dyes

Introduction Dyes are usually applied to materials to provide desired colors. They are widely employed in different industries e.g., pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, plastics, photographic, paper industries, among others.1 Dyes can be adhered to a...

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In Vivo Hypoglycemic Activities of Male and Female Antidesma Bunius (L.) Spreng. in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Hyperglycemia is a common symptom...

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Preparation of Benzimidazole Based Coumarin Derivatives as Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Agents

Introduction Antimicrobial resistance is a worldwide concern of the present time.1 This problem is further supported by the emergence of newer microbial diseases.2 Antioxidants are reported to limit the development of countless diseases like...

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Removal of Malachite Green from Single and Multi-Dye Aqueous Solutions by Acid-Treated Sawdust

Introduction Industrial processes generate wastewaters that may have a large amount of different types of dyes which are potentially toxic and even carcinogenic when discharged into the environment without any prior treatment. They are...

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Effect of Different Solvent and Ratio Towards Microalgae Oil Production by Ultrasonic Assisted Soxhlet Extraction Techniques

Introduction The world energy crisis and increased greenhouse gas emissions have driven the search for alternative and environmentally friendly renewable energy sources.1 The importance for identification of potential renewable source for sustainable energy production...

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Ultrasound Synthesis of Benzimidazolo-1,3,5-Triazine Derivatives and Their Anti-Histamine and Anti-Diabetic Activities

Introduction Heterocyclic compounds are to be the important family of organic compounds used in the drug discovery process. They have been tremendously used in many fields of science, such as medicinal, pharmaceutical chemistry and...

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Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluate the Biological Activity of Novel Heterocyclic Derivatives from Azomethine Compounds

Introductıon Azomethine compounds are the compounds containing (-HC=N-) group, the best and easiest method of azomethine synthesis is the condensation reaction between the carbonyl group (C=O) of ketones or aldehydes and the amino group...

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