Improved Hydrogen De/absorption Kinetics of Magnesium (Mg) via Addition of Catalyst Y2O3
Madhu Yadav1,2
, Deepak Kumar Yadav1,3
, Satya Narayan Dolia1,2 and Chhagan Lal1,2*
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/400530
MgH2 is attracting significant attention in the field of materials for storing hydrogen due to its mass-related hydrogen retention capacity, excellent reversibility, and cost-effectiveness making it a feasible option for fulfilling energy-sustaining needs. Despite its slow desorption and absorption limitation, the kinetics of MgH2 can be improved by the ball milling technique. In this work to synthesis nanocomposite, various wt% concentrations of Y2O3 (X = 5, 10) are introduced to MgH2. Thermodynamics of all prepared samples were measured by DSC, TGA, and PCT/PCI setups. The PCT investigation reveals that the Mg/MgH2-5 wt% Y2O3 nanocomposites store 4.7 wt% H2, where 100 h milled Mg/MgH2 store 5.2 wt% hydrogen. Adding Y2O3 with MgH2 reduces the dehydriding activation energy and onset temperature of Mg/MgH2.
Keywords:Activation energy; DSC; Hydrogen storage; MgH; PCT; TGA; Y2O3
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