Estimation of Water-Soluble Vitamin B-Complex in Selected Leafy and Non-Leafy Vegetables by HPLC Method
N. H. M. Rubel Mozumder*1, Most. Jesmin Akhter2, Anwara Akter Khatun1, Mohammad Rokibuzzaman3 and M. Akhtaruzzaman4
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/350414
A high performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC) equipped with photodiode array detector (PDA) has been used to determine the water-soluble vitamin B complex ( B1, B2, B3, and B6) in eleven selected vegetables of Bangladesh. The results showed varied levels of vitamin B-complexes. Precisely, Thankuni leaves showed the highest contents of vitamin B1; 0.19 mg/100 g, and vitamin B2; 0.25 mg/100g. Higher content of vitamin B3 (0.59 mg/100 g) were quantified in Coriander leaves, but absent in Jute leaves. On the other hand, the maximum quantified amount of B6 (0.73 mg/100 g) was detected in Carrot. In contrast, there was no detectable vitamin B6 in Jute, and Mint leaves and Cabbage. The findings of the current study may supplement the current Food Composition Table for Bangladesh (FCTB) by providing nutritional information of vitamin B complex in leafy and non-leafy vegetables which can also be used for calculating the habitual dietary intake and/or nutritional survey purposes.
Keywords:HPLC; Leafy; and Non-Leafy Vegetables; PDA Detector; Vitamin B Complex
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