ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039


The Modified of Cellulose Through Polyelectrolite Membrane Techniques as Adsorbent Candidate for Removing of Dyes

Budi Hastuti1and Saptono Hadi2



Disposal of dyestuff into rivers or other water can disrupt the aquatic biota ecosystem in it. Thus the pollution of dyes in the aquatic environment needs to be overcome. One effort to reduce the dye content in water is by making adsorbent membranes based of cellulose which are biomaterials of chitosan and alginate. This aims of study was to make polyelectrolyte membranes from chitosan and alginate which will be applied as adsorbents of textile dyestuffs. The research was done by mixing chitosan gel in 2,5% acetic acid solution with alginat gel in water for 3 hours stirring. The solution then was printed out into a polypropylene container and dried. The formed membrane was characterized using FTIR to identify functional groups, XRD and SEM to analyze their physical characteristic. The results showed that the Chi-Alg membrane adsorbent had stability and resistance to the acidic environment. Characterization results using FTIR showed that the adsorbent has functional group of amine, carboxyl and hydrogen that identify on wave number 1597 cm-1, 1635 cm-1 and 3000-3700 cm-1 respectively. The results of XRD show that the adsorbent was semi crystalline. Furthermore, SEM data shows a solid structure of the adsorbent.


Adsorbent; Alginate; Chitosan; Chi-Alg; Dyestuff

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