Studies on Amoebicidal Agents: Synthesis and Amoebicidal Activity of Toluene -2: 4-Bis-Sulfonylhydrazones
A. M. Badawitn. A. Shams* and T. M. Abdel-Rahman*
Several toluene-2, 4-bis-sulfonylhydrazones were prepared and evlauated for amoebicidal activity.tOf these compounds toluene-2 4-bis-sulfonylhydrazides and toluene-2, 4-bis-sutfonylhydrazones derived from p-nitrobenzaldehyde, m-chlorobenzaldehyde and benzophenone were found to be active against Entamoeba histolytica.
Keywords:Amoebicidal; Toluene; Amoebicidal
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