Some Reactions With Cyclohexenones
M. A. Sayed, A. M. Hataba, M. S. Abd El-Halim and A. A. El-Khawas
Acetylacetone condensed with unsaturated ketones (Ia, and Ib) gave diacetylcyclohexenoes (IIIa,b) which were aromatized by bromine to give the phenol derivative (IVa, b). Boiling (IIIa, b) and (IVa, b) with aq. NaOH gave monoacetyl cyclohexenones (Va, b) ans monoacetyl phenols (VIa, b). Refluxing of (IIIa,b) and (IVa) with hydrazines and hydroxymine gave the indazole derivative (VIIa-f). (IX) and benzisoxazole derivative (Xa,b) and (XI) respectively. Also condensation of (IIIa,b) with aldehydes gave (XII) which by aromatization gave the phenol (XIII).
Keywords:Acetylacetone; Cyclohexenones
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