Comparative Study of Radiation Shielding Parameters for Binary Oxide Glasses
Rajinder Singh Kaundal
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330522
Melt and quench technique was used for the preparation of glassy samples of the composition 0.40 MO-0.60 B2O3 where MO contains oxides of lithium, sodium, potassium and bismuth. XCOM computer program is used for the evaluation of gamma-ray shielding parameters of the prepared glass samples. Further the values of mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic number at various photon energies is calculated. Values of half value layers have been compared with concretes. Density and molar volume studies have been carried out to get the idea regarding rigidity of glass network
Keywords:Borate Glasses; Mass Attenuation Coefficient; Half Value Layer; Effective Atomic Number
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