Hydrolysis of Phosphofluoridates by Cu (II) Diamine Complexes
S. K. Raza, D. N. Marjit, C. Saxena, N. Sikder and N. B. S. N. Rao
The hydrolysis of two highly toxic phosphofluoridates namely isopropyl methyl phosphonofluoridate (Sarin) and pinacolyI methyl phosphonofluoridate (Soman) has been studied in the presence of various Cu(ll) diamine complexes as catalyst Cu(ll) perchlorate TMEN and Cu(ll) trichloroacetate - TMEN have been found to possess good catalytic activity, hydrolysing the two nerve agents completely within a minute at room temperature.
Keywords:Hydrolysis; Phosphofluoridates; Hydrolysing; PinacolyI
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