Fourier Transform Infrared and Laser Raman Spectral Investigations on Vibrational Bands of Cresol and Cumene
S. Gunasekaran1, S. R. Varadhan1 and N. Karunanidhi2
This work is completely devoted to an analysis of substituted benzene and substituted phenol. The infrared and Laser Raman spectra of two organic compounds viz., Cresol and Cumene at room temperature have been measured over the ranges 4000-400cm 1 and 4000-100cm1 respectively. The observed frequencies have been assigned to various modes of vibration on the basis of fundamentals, overtones and combinations assuming Cs point group symmetry. The present work emphasized on the vibrational analysis of these two compounds and assignments tor these two compounds are tound to be satisfactory.
Keywords:Substituted Benzene and Substituted Phenol; Cresol and Cumene
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