Synthesis of Maleic Acid - Urea Resin
P. K. Srivastava and M. K. Mukul
Maleic acid and urea have been copolymerised by addition and condensation technique, in presence of benzoyl peroxide. The resin formed is ooze solid, hard, elastic and having good tensile strength. It is a thermoplast having softening temperature between 150-160°C. Fourier Transform Infrared spectrum shows that the resin grows through ether linkage and further condensation forms branched and network structure. The spectrum also shows the presence of pyrrolidine ring in the structure. Chemical analysis of resin shows that the number of free carboxylic group In resin increases with increasing the mole fraction of maleic acid. A tentative mechanism for polymerisation is proposed.
Keywords:Copolymerised; Thermoplast;Chemical; Analysis
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