Efficient and Selective Mono and Dinitration of Phenol Under Solid Phase Conditions Via in Situ Formation of HNO3 and HNO3,NO2
Mohammad Ali Zolfigoa1, Nasser Iranpoorb1 and Habib Firouzabadib2
Fe(NO3)3.9H20 is highly efficient reagent for selective mono nitration of phenol under solid phase conditions at room temperature. High selectivity ratio of para vs ortho isomers has teen observed. Fe(NO3)3.1.5N2O4 and Cu(NO3)2.N2O4 are used as stable and highly efficient reagent for selective dinitration of phenol under solvent free conditions at 0°C. In situ generation of HNO3 and radical cation mechanism via nitrous acid catalysed (NAC) pathway appear to be applicable to phenol nitrations using these reagent.
Keywords:Highly efficient; Dinitration; Mechanism
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