The Role of Isopropyl Alcohol in the Properties of Sudanese Reformat Gasoline
Mohamed Ezeldin1, Ali. M. Masaad1, Abualreish M. J. A.1,2 and Christina Yacoub. Ishak3
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330458
The role of isopropyl alcohol in the properties of Sudanese reformat gasoline (produced by the refinery located at Algily, Khartoum North city, in Sudan) was studied. The properties of the reformat gasoline which were investigated include, distillation, sulfur content, density, vapor pressure, oxidation stability, copper strip corrosion, gum existence, lead content, and the octane number. The addition of isopropyl alcohol (5 and 10% (v/v)) improved the properties of the Sudanese reformat gasoline to the limits assigned by (ASTM) and Khartoum refinery. The motor octane number (MON) of the reformat gasoline as was determined initially by the Cooperative Fuels Research engine (CFR engine) was found to be 88.5. Results revealed that the addition of isopropyl alcohol 5 and 10 % (v/v) to the Sudanese reformat gasoline shift the value of the (MON) to 94.1 and 96 respectively.
Keywords:Isopropyl alcohol; Sudanese gasoline properties; Motor octane number; Cooperative fuels research engine
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