Complex mineral fertilizers: opportunities of manufacturing them from technogenic wastes
Uylesbek Besterekov, Kulyanda Kulbosynovna Nurasheva, Ulzhalgas Bahytkyzy Nazarbek, Saule Pulatovna Nazarbekova and Aydar Alibekovich Bolysbek
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330110
Purpose of the research is to study the development of technological modes of producing nitrogen-phosphorus-containing mineral fertilizer from industrial wastes in experimental conditions. Granulometric and substantial composition of phosphorus sludge and cottrell dust, mineralogical composition and microstructure of industrial waste for mineral fertilizers production have been studied. It was found possible to produce qualitative ammophos from phosphorus sludge and cottrell dust in proportion 2/1, using decomposition by mixture of 30% aqueous solution ammonium sulfate and humic acid. Conducted experiments allow to design the technology for producing complex fertilizers. Harmful environmental impact of waste is lowered, also production costs of the new fertilizer are much lower than of the existing ones. Unlike the traditional method of ammophos production from phosphoric acid and ammonia, the offered method allows to produce the complex and assimilable fertilizer, containing phosphorus and nitrogen in optimum proportions.
Keywords:technogenic waste; phosphorus; nitrogen fertilizers; ammoniation
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