Reduction of Nitrate during release of Stored Energy from Gamma Irradiated Crystalline Potassium Fluoride in Aqueous Nitrate Solution
C.D. Kalkar1, A.B. Nikumbh2 and G.K. Kulkarni2
Reduction of nitrate takes place when the stored energy in the form of colour centres is released during dissolution of g-irradiatedcrystalline potassium fluoride in aqueous potassium nitrate solution. Various parameters like dose, amount and storage time of irradiated potassium fluoride which control the yield of nitrite have been studied. Similarly, the effect of concentration of potassium nitrate has been investigated. The energy transfer parameter has been determined as the ratio of G/NO2- obtained by the addition of irradiated crystalline potassium fluoride on the basis of reduction of nitrate
Keywords:Reduction; Nitrate; Gamma Irradiation; KF; F-centre.
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