Phosphate Solubilization Potential of Penicillium species Inhabiting the Hilly Terrains of Pachmarhi (India)
Kavita Sharma
The importance of Phosphate solubilization by microorganisms is well established in agriculture and dephosphorization of mineral ores. Ten species of Penicillium inhabiting the soils of Pachmarhi hills (1108-1287m above msl) have been tested for their capacity of Phosphate solubilization using two samples of rock Phosphate and three of iron ores. The rock phosphate was solubilized upto 61.6% gm biomass in 10 days at 30%c and the Phosphorus content of the iron ores was reduced upto 47.6% gm biomass. The fungi P.restrictum, P.rugulosum , P.citrinum , P.islandicum and P.melinii utilized the solubilized Phosphate for their growth and liberated the Phosphorus in cultural broths. They appeared promising candidates as biofertilizer in agriculture and in metallurgical processing for dephosphorization of iron ore. It was also evidenced that Phosphate solubilization potential of these Penicillia was related with their microhabitate where soluble Phosphate is scarcely available.
Keywords:Rock Phosphate; Penicillium sp; Pachmarhi; Iron ore
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