Spectrophotometric Method for the Estimation of Cilnidipine in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage forms
Mohammed M. Safhi
A new, simple and sensitive Spectrophotometric Method in ultraviolet region has been developed for the determination of cilnidipine in bulk and in pharmaceutical formulations. Cilnidipine exhibits absorption maxima at 240 nm. The method obeys the Beer's law in the concentration range of 2 - 30 µg/ml. The method is accurate, precise and economical. The % recovery is greater than 99.86 - 100.67%. This shows that the method was free from the interference of excepients. The results of the tablet analysis were validated with respect to accuracy (recovery), linearity, limit of detection and limit of quantization were found to be satisfactory. The proposed method has been applied successfully for the analysis of the drug in pure and in its tablet dosage forms.
Keywords:Spectrophotometeric method; Ultraviolet region; Clinidipine; Pharmaceutics
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