Determination of Some Trace Elements in Marine Sediment using ICP-MS and XRF (A Comparative Study)
Amel Yousif Ahmed1, Md. Pauzi Abdullah1,2, Abdul Khalik Wood3, M. Suhaimi Hamza3 and Mohamed Rozali Othman1,2
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/290236
Marine sediment samples were collected from 22 sampling sites along the coastal area of Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia at various depths. The samples were digested using microwave program and then analyzed for Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, As, V, Ni and Pb. For comparison purpose a direct measurement of solid samples was carried out using XRF. Results obtained by ICP-MS were compared with those obtained from XRF using different statistical methods such as two side t-test and paired t-test. Quality control of the obtained data was carried out using different standard reference materials.
Keywords:ICP-MS; XRF; trace elements; marine sediment
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