Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds to their Corresponding of Alcohols with [Zn(BH4)2(2-MeOpy)] & [Zn(BH4)2(2-Mepy)] as New Reducing Agents (A Comparison Study)
Behrooz Khezri , Farnaz Najaf Ghadimi , Chonur Nevisandeh Karashi and Davood Setamdideh*
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/290233
The reduction of a variety of carbonyl compounds was efficiently carried out with [Zn(BH4)2(2-MeOpy)] and [Zn(BH4)2(2-Mepy)] as new reducing agents. The reduction reactions were performed to give the corresponding alcohols derivatives in perfect yields.
Keywords:Zinc borohydride; Reduction; Carbonyl compounds; Chemoselective; Regioselectivity
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