Ftir and Laser Raman Spectra 2,4,6-Tribromo-3-Methyl Phenol
B. S. Yadav*, M. K.Yadav, Pradeep Kumar, Israt Ali and Preeti Yadav
The Infrared and Raman Spectra of 2,4,6–tribromo–3–methyl phenol have been recorded in the region (4000–400 cm–1) and (4000–50 cm–1) respectively. The vibrational spectra have been analyzed assuming Cs point group symmetry. The complete vibrational analysis have been proposed in terms of fundamentals and their combinations. The probable modes of vibration for most of the fundamentals are also discussed.
Keywords:Infrared spectra; Raman spectra; 2,4,6 – tribromo-3- methyl phenol
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