Molecular Complexes of D D Q (2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-P-Benzoquinone) With Drugs
R. Narender, P. Ettaiah and G. Venkateshwarlu*
Molecular complexes of DDQ (2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone) with Drugs have been studied spectrophotometrically. All the complexes exhibit well resolved CT bands in the region where neither acceptor (DDQ) nor donors (Drugs) have any absorption. The stoichiometry of each of the complexes is found to be 1:1 from Job’s method. Ionization potentials of the donors have been determined. The stability constants of the complexes were determined by using Rose-Drago method while thermodynamic parameters from vant Hoff method. The variation of lmax, IP, K and thermodynamic parameters have been interpreted in terms of structure of the drugs.
Keywords:DDQ - Drugs; Molecular complexes; Electronic spectroscopy; Ionization potential; Structure of drugs; Stability constants; Thermodynamic parameters
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