Bacteria and Nutritional Changes Associated With Natural Fermentation of A Nigerian Indigenous Rice (Oryza Sativa Igbimo"")
B. Boboye* and T. E. Terwase
Oryza sativa variety Igbimo"" was naturally fermented. Samples of unfermented and fermented rice were analysed for bacterial loads and identities by pour plating, streaking and biochemical methods. Chemical analyses were also carried out on the samples. The of bacterial colonies found in the unfermented rice was 1 x 106 units/ml and that of fermented rice was 2 x 106 units/ml. The former sample contained Cellulomonas and Micrococcus species. Actinobacillus and Staphylococcus species were isolated from the fermented rice. Moisture, mineral, fibre and fat contents of the fermented rice increased by 90.83%, 33.37%, 240.17% and 929.4% while, the amounts of protein and carbohydrate decreased by 17.26% and 31.06% respectively."
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