Effect of Soil Application of Iron and Zinc on Synthesis of Sugar in Sugarcane in Medium Black Soils (Vertisols) of Madhya Pradesh
R. C. Jain and A. K. Khare
A field experiment was conducted in medium black soil to study the effect of iron and zinc on juice brix, sucrose (%), juice purity (%), sugar recovery (%) (sugar synthesis) and cane yield. Ferrous sulphate was added @ 0, 25, 50 and 75 Kg ha-1 and zinc sulphate @ 0, 25, 50 Kg ha-1 separately as well as in combination. Application of ferrous sulphate and zinc sulphate appreciably increased the above parameters. Conjoint use of ferrous sulphate and zinc sulphate further increased the sugar synthesis and cane yield.
Keywords:Sugar synthesis; juice brix; juice purity; sugar recovery; vertisols
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