ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039


Optical Effects in the Active Layer of Organic Solar Cells with Embedded Noble Metal Nanoparticles

Supachai Sompech1, Sukhontip Thaomola2 and Thananchai Dasri1,*



The optical properties of organic solar cells with noble metal nanoparticles such as Ag and Au embedded in the active layer were investigated. The Discrete Dipole Approximation theory was used to analyze the light scattering and absorption efficiencies. The results show that the size, refractive index of medium and amount of the metal nanoparticles are key factors that directly influence the plasmonic enhancements in the devices. These parameters were adjusted for the light scattering and absorption efficiency calculations, which first reveal that as the imaginary part increases more (strongly absorbing medium) both efficiencies decrease slightly and becomes spectrally more broadened. Ag nanoparticle size increases both efficiency peak shifts to the longer wavelength. In addition, the increasing of the nanoparticle size results to the broaden efficiency spectra. When a large amount of particles the scattering and absorption spectral peak of the particles increase, the arrangement in linear chain aligned on the axis which perpendicular to the propagation direction and parallel to the linear polarized light shifts to shorter wavelength. And the higher resonance peak for more particles number is obtained.


Optical properties; Metallic nanoparticle; Organic solar cell; Discrete dipole approximation

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