Effect of oral contraceptive brands on risk markers of cardiovascular dysfunction
I. Onyesom*, U. E. Uzuegbu, A. O. Opajobi, J. O. T. Emudainohwo¹ and C. C. Olise¹
Today, research interest is increasing in the study of the changes in plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) and lipoprotein lipids as possible cardiovascular disease risk factor among Nigerian users of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). This study investigates the changes in serum TAG : HDL - cholesterol ratio and LDL-cholesterol levels among Nigerian users of OCPs. Three hundred and forty-eight nonsmoking women in apparent good health currently receiving either monophasic (n= 204) or triphasic (n=144) formulation of OCPs were selected from 13 primary health care centres and twenty-nine clinics/hospitals operating within the Urhobo and Isoko communities in the Central /Senatorial District of Delta State, Nigeria. Niger-Delta region. The control subjects (n=207) were women using non-hormonal contraceptive device (condom, diaphragm, IUD). Both categories (i.e. test and control subjects) have been using the respective contraceptive agents for 12- 18 months. Results show that OCPs significantly (P<0.05) increased serum TAG and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, but reduced HDL-cholesterol (P>0.05) levels. OCPs increase serum TAG : HDL-cholesterol ratio by 52% when compared with control ratio after about 18 months of continuous use. Since these parameters have been implicated in atherogenic reactions, then, the cardiovascular disease risk of using OCPs need further investigation among Nigerian women who use the pills.
Keywords:Triacylglycerol; cholesterol; oral contraceptive pills; lipoprotein
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