Bases of Technology and Optimal Regime Indicators of Acid Decomposition Process of Phosphorus Sludge
U. B. Nazarbek1*, U. Besterekov1, I. A. Petropavlovsky2, S. P. Nazarbekova3, O. K. Beisenbayev1
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/310319
The bases of technology and optimal regime parameters of the process of acid decomposition of phosphorus sludge are presented in this paper. The chemistry of acid decomposition of phosphorus sludge is practically similar to the decomposition of natural phosphorite. Two-stage acid decomposition phosphorus sludge can be considered as the most technologically method of processing it into phosphorus fertilizer. Results of studies allowed to establish as a optimal regime parameters of acid decomposition of phosphorus sludge make the following parameters: temperature of the decomposition process - 600°C; process duration - 60 minutes; acid concentration - 50%; consumption of acid - 70% of the stoichiometric requirement.
Keywords:phosphorus sludge; sulphuric acid decomposition; superphosphate; Gibbs’s energy
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