Spectroscopic Identification of Isolated Bioactive Compounds from Methanolic Extract of Psychotria dalzellii leaves
Preeti N Tallur1*, Abhishek M2, Vinayak M Nayik3, Shivanand S Bhat4 and Pragasam A1*
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/400137
Plant sources plays vital role in the medicinal field as new bioactive compounds are found to be isolated. Present work was focused on isolation and structure elucidation of compounds from Psychotria dalzellii(family-Rubiaceae) leaves in methanol extract. The extract was fractionated through thin layer chromatography followed by column chromatography. Spectroscopic technique like FT-IR, NMR and LC-MS has been used to identify the fractionated compounds. Spectral data supports the structural elucidation of compounds like Harmaline, Emetine, Dimethyltryptamine and Psychollatine. These lead molecules are responsible for high anti-diabetic property and antioxidant property. The lead molecules are conspicuous in showing bioactivity and have future scopes.
Keywords:Dimethyltryptamine; Emetine; Harmaline; Psychotria dalzellii; Psychollatine
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