ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039


Reductine Enrichment and Flame Atomic Absorption Determination of Trace Amounts of Copper, Cadmium, Palladium and Thallium Ions in Solution

M. V. Thomas and M. C. Mehra


Reductive enrichment of trace levels of Cu, Cd,Pd and Tl ions on finely divided zinc metal (100 mesh) in acidic or neutral conditions can be realized by contact agitation. The electroche-mically reduced metal ions are codeposited on the unconsumed zinc within 30-90 minutes contact at the most. The concentrations of metal ions in the enriched zinc matrix are determined by flame atomic absorption following total dissoluion in dil. HNO*, The quantification limits for copper (6 PPb), cadmium (25 ppb), palladium (40 ppb) and thallium (200 ppb) are sensitive enough to suggest the use of this approach in the characterization of trace metallic impurities in high purity materials of industrial importance or appropriate environmental samples.


Reductine; Copper; Cadmium

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