Microbial Biosynthesis of Citric Acid Exposed to Some Metallic Micro-Minerals
S. P. Singh, P. K. Chaurasia, Ramesh Prasad* and Alok Ranjan
The influence of some metallic micro-minerals viz., zinc sulphate, copper sulphate, molybde¬num sulphate, and cobalt sulphate on microbial biosynthesis of citric acid by Aspergillus niger RG-43 was studied. It has been found that zinc sulphate and molybdenum sulphate has remarkably enhanced the production of citric acid while copper sulphate was not so effective. However, cobalt sulphate was least effective for microbial biosynthesis of citric acid under the same experimental parameters.
Keywords:micro-minerals; Aspergillus; molybdenum
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