NMR, ESR, NQR and IR Studies of Paramagnetic Macro Cyclic Complexes of 1st Transition Series Metal Lons Exhibiting MLCT Phenomenon: A DFT Application: Part: II. Bis (1, 10-Phenanthroline) Complexes
M. L. Sehgal1 and Irshad Ahmad2
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330416
D F T implemented in ADF.2012.01 was used to study the structures of 8 macro cyclic paramagnetic four coordinate D2d complexes:[Phen2M]2+ {M= Mn (II), Fe(II), Co(II),Ni(II)(II),Cu(II)};[Phen2M]3+{M=Ti(III),V(III),Cr(III)}(Phen=1,10-phenanthroline) by applying four spectral techniques. After pre-optimization of complexes, the software was run by using Single Point, LDA or GGA, Default, Relativity, Spin Orbit, ZORA , Unrestricted, None, Collinear ,Nosym using TZP or TZ2P Basis sets in ESR/EPR/EFG/ZFS Program to obtain ESR parameters: g11, g22, g33, giso, a11, a22, a33, A ten. More ESR parameters (gn. A ten, ZFS) and NQR parameters {h, q11, q22, q33, NQCC} were obtained on replacing Spin Orbit by scalar command in a new ADF Input. The “NMR Program” with Single Point, LDA, Default, None, Collinear, Nosym using DZ or TPZ Basis sets leaving Unrestricted command blank gave the Shielding Constants (σM, σ 13C,σ 17O), Chemical Shifts (δ M, δ13C, δ17O),2 diamagnetic ,4 paramagnetic and 4 spin orbit contributing terms in the σ values of the constituents. The software was, then, run with Frequencies to obtain IR frequencies of normal modes of each of 129 fundamental vibration bands of the complexes. Importance of the study would lie in the fact that: (i) 5 parameter: σ, δ,h, gn .A ten, NQCC of 14N; 4 parameters: σ, δ, g n. A ten, h of 13C and 3 parameters: σ, δ, g. A ten of 1H corroborated to infer that in all these complexes, the 24 C were of 6 types; the16 H of 4 types and all the 4 N were spatially of the same type(ii) it confirmed MLCT phenomenon by NMR(iii) calculated another parameter of each of NMR (H^) and ESR {ΔEhf} and two of NQR {h,Laplace equation} (iv) classified129 bands into vibration symmetries and IR activities and (iv) gave thermal parameters of the complexes.
Keywords:Chemical Shift; Total NMR Shielding Tensor; Effective Spin Hamiltonian; Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constant; Asymmetric Coefficient
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