The Effect of the Hydraulic Retention Time on Organic Load in Aerated Lagoons under Arid Climatic Conditions at El-Oued (South-East Algeria)
Zobeidi Ammar, Bebba Ahmed Abdelhafid and Douadi Ali
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330434
This study detailed the effect hydraulic retention time on characteristics of the El-Oued aerated lagoons wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), located in Southern East Algeria. The plant performance was evaluated through descriptive and statistical analysis of quantity and quality data of both raw wastewaters and treated effluent over a period of three years (2013 – 2015).Therefore, the downstream values of BOD5, COD and TSS, are enough to achieve a final effluent that would meet the Algerian standards limit.The retention time is a function of the percent removal of organic load. The retention time may vary from 12 to 20 days as the optimum operating conditions the removal efficiencies 86.5% of BOD5, 78% of CODand TSS 85%.Goodness of the model fit to the data was also evaluated through the relationship between the residuals and the model predicted values of BOD5r, CODr and TSSr. The advantage of this model is that it would allow a better process control.
Keywords:Aerated lagoon; El-Oued; Organic load; Retentiontime; Wastewater treatment plant
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