Phytochemical Properties of Seeds and Oils of Cassia Fistula (Two Locations)
Mukhan Wati, Sheetal and M. Khabiruddin
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330443
In the present study the crude oil and defatted seed cake were analyzed to calculate phenolics, flavonoid, total tocopherol and DPPH activity for two locations. The C. fistula had highest phenolics 12.0±0.0 mgGAE/g, flavonoids content 2.9±0.0 mgCAE/g, total tocopherol 185.6 mg/g and carotenoids was 131.0 mg/kg. The maximum antioxidant activity was 83% and in terms of IC50 value was 0.041±0.0 mg/ml. The fatty acids profile shown that the significant amount of fatty acids were linoleic and oleic acid.
Keywords:C. fistula; total phenolics; antioxidant activity; minerals; fatty acid composition
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