Evaluation of the Role of Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) and Acetylenic Glycol (AG) Admixture on fly ash Based Geopolymer
T. Revathi1, R. Jeyalakshmi1, N. P. Rajamane2 and M. Sivasakthi1
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/330225
Alkali activation of fly ash with proper mix design and correct formulations can exhibit very good strength and chemical resistance and other potentially valuable characteristics similar or even better than conventional Portland cement. Utilization of fly ash activated system as binder material in construction industry can limit the consumption of virgin materials required for the production of cement as well less energy intensive process in the manufacturing stage leads to lower greenhouse gas emission. Goeopolymeric products with characteristic properties can be achieved on a laboratory scale level by optimizing the process conditions using selected source material with the addition of admixture. On contrary, repeatability using variable material sources in a large scale preparation, issues like flow ability, control of setting time are always present to be issues that need to be studied. This study was conducted on leaching of fly ash by hybrid activator solution namely sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, for preparing geopolymer matrix wherein geopolymer (GPC) concrete was made with the addition of organic admixture Cetyl Tetra Ammonium Bromide (CTAB), Acetylenic glycol (AG) as flow ability enhancer with dosage ranging from 0-2% by keeping the Liquid/Solid as 0.45.The Compressive strength of the mortar in the order 30 Mpa was achieved with good flow property by the addition acetylenic glycol and the zeta potential value was found to be similar in the order of control specimen(-15.4mv). Analysis of SEM microstructure of the matrix revealed that binding gel of type Na-S-H are found to be more on AEG added matrix than that CTAB.
Keywords:Fly ash; Geopolymer; compressive strength; slump; SEM/EDAX, Zeta potential
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