Spectral Study of Ruthinium (III) Catalyzed Oxidation of Maltose by Potassium Permagnate in Acidic Medium
Ashish Kumar, Zakir Gani and Sumayah Bashir
The kinetics of Ruthenium (III) catalyzed oxidation of maltose by potassium permagnate in acidic medium have been studied spectrophotometrically in present investigation. First order kinetics with respect to variation in KMnO4 concentration is observed. The order of reaction with respect to substrate is zero but with respect to Ru(III) is one in this reaction. Increase in [H+ ] shows positive effect, while increase in [Cl-] shows no effect. The active species of ruthenium (III) is understood as [Ru(H2O)4O]2+ . The reaction constants involved in the different steps of mechanism are calculated. Activation parameters with respect to the slow step of the mechanism are computed and discussed and thermodynamic quantities are also calculated. A suitable mechanism and rate law in conformity with the kinetic observations has been proposed in the end and product has been studied spectroscopically for confirmation.
Keywords:Acidic medium; kinetics; oxidation; potassium permagnate; Ru(III)catalyzed; Maltose
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