Distribution of Total Petrogenic Hydrocarbon in Dungun River Basin, Malaysia
Suhaimi Suratman1,2
A study was carried out in the Dungun River basin, southern South China Sea coastal area, during the period of March-July 2003 to determine the distribution of total petrogenic hydrocarbon (TPH). Surface water samples were collected and TPH determined using UVfluorescence spectroscopy. The results showed that the concentration of TPH was in the range of 2.0-40.8 µg/L (mean 12.9 ± 8.8 µg/L). The main source of TPH was probably due to the discharge of effluents from at nearby palm oil factory. Based on the data recorded at other areas, the levels of TPH in the present study were low. These results are useful for consideration in future pollution studies associated with this area.
Keywords:Surface water; total petrogenic hydrocarbon; anthropogenic input; Dungun River basin; southern South China Sea (Malaysia)
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